
Authorial intent is only as valid to the point someone later contradicts it in text, and even then only to a limited extent, so calling it “canon” is questionable.

I speak from experience when I say that people in Texas will insist that fossil fuels are 100% primarily necessary even while they’re sitting in a nice air conditioned house powered entirely by wind and solar.

I’ve said this elsewhere... SNW suffers for having fewer episodes precisely because every episode has to be a major thing. It’s like an all-dessert menu; it quickly starts to seem like a little too much all at once.

I’m not sure why this is objectionable. Sometimes you just want to turn on the TV and have something just be... on. Not go scrolling through a list to watch something specific.

The 32nd century setting is so much better for it, and if it had gone that route right from the start, they could have avoided SO many of the criticisms. Could have told the same stories, free of many of the issues that made them problems in the setting.

At some point they put flamethrowers on the bridge to have actual fire happening during combat sequences. It comes out of two specific places and it takes me out every single time. But... EXPLOSIONS! Sigh.

Strange New Worlds definitely suffers from the lack of episode count. Very little where it’s just “thing of the week”. Everything was a huge spectacular in one way or another. It felt like an “all dessert menu” watching it, especially season 2.

While trying to protect Leech? It was German, and the subtitles translated it as “Don’t be afraid.” or something close to that. Which fit the moment perfectly.

I came away from my first viewing very much unsure if I’d liked it. Some time later, I watched it again, and I realized I very much did like it. It’s very much a film you have to adjust your expectations to properly appreciate.

The things called out on the design that people specifically didn’t like weren’t even necessarily bad, broadly speaking. But doing that while also trying to make their design look like Sonic just melded together in entirely the worst ways.

Takeout and AV Club both just got sold off. That’s probably why the comments are closed.

Just wanted to correct something... The Lawnmower Man (the original) is about as much based on the Stephen King story as Starship Troopers is based on the Heinlein book. Which is to say, it’s a completely different story with some bits from the literary sources bolted on. Lawnmower Man 2, as it happens, has about as

I had a similar experience with a friend. He just absolutely could not be bothered. It was immensely frustrating to me.

Interesting how many of these clearly have what is trying to be a watermark/”bug” in the lower right corner.

But not bad in the right way! hah

Simply put, the performances are art, the competition is not.

This is a morally complex issue with a simple, practical solution.

You know, on the one hand that just sounds like BS. On the other hand though, so much time travel happens in Star Trek that I could actually see how it could be true. Of course that means you can’t really take *anything* from these movies (beyond the fate of OG Spock and Romulus) as part of the original canon

“Concluded” eh? I like that. I will try and remember to use that from now on.

I think perhaps easily missed is the fact that when we first meet Mrs. Flood she does not recognize the TARDIS, doesn’t know why it’s there, accuses her neighbor of putting it there, and is generally pretty nasty. Then, later, she’s completely charming, pleasant to the same neighbor, and of course knows exactly what