
Much like Judgement Day, the rise of Khan is inevitable, but subject to scheduling issues.

Well... wouldn’t be the first feature length video for a Daft Punk album. I’m ok with that.

Interesting choice to do a story that doesn’t require you to touch on any of the lingering plot hooks the original show left behind.

Not entirely unlike the people who got an NES to “play” all sorts of crazy things by converting video output from an external computer hardware into a format the NES could dump into its video buffers. Bit misleading, if cool.

A Marvel thing would almost need to include Robbie Reyes’ Ghost Rider, I think.

This reminds me of a lot of things. It’s pretty much a standard “prestige TV” intro style. You call out Westworld, but it reminded me a lot specifically of Raised By Wolves and Manhattan, and just broad vibes for a number of others.

I expect multiple guest star and cameo appearances in the show if it happens. But that should be the FIRST one.

Spacedock’s shields seemed to also be the planetary shield grid. Once it fell, so did the planetary shields.

I also assumed the playwright, and thought it would be better if they’d named him after the young actor who’d played Chekov in the JJ Trek films. I struggled to remember his name. Oh... right. Well, ok then.

What’s Seven’s catch phrase gonna be!

The method of assimilation used was entirely biological, using limited genetic alterations. These Borg kids don’t have the tech in them to assimilate the normal way (nanoprobes, etc) and the genetic factor doesn’t work with fully mature adults. This is why they have to kill those who resist at this point.

6) He’s just Mostly Dead. And Seven and Raffi get him to sickbay

Was I glad to see the characters on the bridge of the Enterprise D again? Of course. Was having some actual proper lighting so I could see what was happening part of it? Sure.

It was so very Data. Pacifist, logical, even kind.

I am SO MAD they killed T’Veen. She was my favorite. She was almost a whole character! I genuinely hoped she might get a real role in a future series.

I assume the actress has needed time away from the show, but they sure do keep isolating Iris away from the main cast for lengthy spans of time.

It’s so weird that they’ve reused and upgraded the old Tron Legacy toyline for this stuff. Like I can tell some modifications have been made, with much fancier insides, but they are unmistakably the same base toys.

That subtle twist of his mouth into a small, but cruel smile. You need so little to go from stoic but compassionate Vulcan to hate-filled antagonist, and Tim Russ certainly found that balance without going over the line to cartoon villainy. I cheered when I heard Tuvok’s voice and was crushed as much as Seven when the

...Whose husband? Chakotay isn’t married to any of the Voyager cast. Not in THIS timeline anyway. o_O

I find these kind of errors happen a LOT on these reviews. Not just Picard ones. It’s especially notable when criticism is lobbed at an episode for a plot point or plot hole that doesn’t exist, because they’ve made some obvious factual error.