
It’s such a fine line to walk, I think. If you do it as an adaption, you’re inevitably going to be roasted over the changes you make, no matter how good the actual result is. If you just take inspiration from it, you’re constantly called out for “ripping it off”. Even the Matrix suffered from this. And if you take too

Raised By Wolves’ cliffhanger especially hurt because it didn’t even feel like a huge end of season cliffhanger, but just something to be resolved next week. Like getting to the end of a book and discovering it’s missing the last 10 pages.

IIRC, Killjoys stayed because it was a joint project with another network (Canada’s SPACE maybe?), whereas Dark Matter was sorely SyFy. I still would have preferred Dark Matter to stick around over Killjoys though.

I remember the ads for this playing up The Rock!!! guest starring in this. It was quite poorly received, seen as a gross and inappropriate stunt perpetrated by a failing network for cheap ratings. And then it aired, and it was fine, he was fine, it was all in good taste and no big deal. But the stink of those ads

C’mon, Flashpoint these suckers! New timeline, do a pan down the hallway of the Daily Planet with a bunch of framed headlines that retcon out all the Snyder darkness (“Zod Defeated, Banished To Phantom Zone!”), and keep whatever actors they need, replace the rest.

Eh, well... you do you I guess. Sounds like this isn’t a movie for you.

I mean... my point was that it isn’t always for disguise.

Gosh, I’ve never seen someone call him “Megatron Rex” before and now I wonder why the heck not? That’s great!

Especially considering this is set before the 2007 film. Jazz could be alive.

I mean, I think the official stance is that Bee is in Bay’s continuity anyway. This is why we can’t have Megatron running around. I mean it means Optimus has to leave and come back again at some point, but *shrugs*

Notably, in the original Beast Wars story, they didn’t adopt beast modes for disguise at all, but for protection from environmental factors that damaged robot modes. So you ended up with things like a fire ant the size of a horse.

There are ways the movie could explain this (and I hope it bothers to do so). For instance, these Maximals could have landed in prehistoric Earth similar to the original story, and scanned for local alt-modes. But unlike the original Beast Wars show, they didn’t understand organic life forms and ended up with...

Beast Wars is still highly regarded and popular amongst some, and fans have been asking for this.

I had a silly theory/head canon about that... in THAT version of the Beast Wars story, Scorponok somehow ended up swapped into Megatron’s body and took over. Maybe got in a little over his head. And then ANOTHER Megatron shows up and he’s all OH BOY a new Megatron, I can go back to not being in charge. Meanwhile his

Well, I say this as a person who watched and enjoyed the show....

Nope, completely genuine and sincere here in fact. Already explained myself thoroughly, though. Not gonna repeat it.

Never said you had to have seen it. Heck, I’ve never actually seen it. It’s fine you haven’t seen it and I don’t judge you for it. Your comment simply amused me because your comment made it clear you knew essentially nothing about the story but the title, which is probably not uncommon if I’m being honest.

It’s an 80 year old “kids movie”. There’s almost no one alive who wasn’t a kid when or after it came out. Your argument is weird.

I did see plenty of ads for this, but my strongest reaction was thinking that saying it was “from the studio that brought you Encanto and Big Hero Six” was a super weird choice of films to call out. The other impression I got was that it was more full of silly jokes than the sense of wonder and adventure that would

How does the meme go? “Tell me you haven’t seen it without telling me you haven’t seen it”?