
Well, both my mother and grandmother, both very white women, used to carry them in their purses, and before a certain (very young) age, I just assumed that was the kind of comb women used for some reason. So I’m going to go with maybe on that one.

When I read “comb” I immediately pictured one of those hair picks, which are basically large, short-handled forks and often very sharp. Granted, the story does simply say “comb”, but if one assumes a little imprecision in language or lack of specificity in storytelling, it makes good logical sense.

This was definitely the same sort of line of thought I was having. I found myself wondering if by the end of the season there’d be a Union/Moclan war. Perhaps not that extreme, but almost certainly a breakdown in diplomatic ties.

Indeed, he was quite the shellformer, with weirdly shaped panels that didn’t really fit together easily or well. Nifty shark when you got him together though, with a baked-in pose. Sky-Byte was even nicer, as he had a far more elaborate paint job.

Sky-Byte’s original toy is Transmetal 2 Cybershark from Beast Wars. So... valid description.

Not sure if weird sarcasm, but... I mean, yeah. There’s a disassembled communicator that Reno was stripping for parts on the table where the implant was picked up from.

The cortical implant was pretty clearly built out of parts from a communicator. Now, question the likelihood of THAT if you like and I won’t argue, but it was there in the scene.

Absolutely. It is almost entirely unlike the previous films.

It did look pretty fatal. Barry seemed a little shocked and perhaps horrified that he’d survived.

We always used to put PB in the fridge. I loved eating big spoonfuls of it. When it’s cold it stays nicely on the spoon and has a nice firmness. I much prefer that, if it’s a standalone snack. If it’s for sandwich though, yeah, not so good.

+1 for the bit at the end that seemed to evoke the 1980s version of the theme music. Which, even if you didn’t care for that version of the show overall, surely you must admit it had an excellent and creepy open.

Wayyy too many syllables. May I suggest “Plop Pocket”?

I’m going to assume that there’s a seamless universal translator at work somewhere, generally, because otherwise I go mad. That said, there’s a simple reason why everything else gets translated, but “Gilliac” does not: it’s a proper noun. As a general rule, proper nouns are not translated even if they have a known

By the end he had a fairly nifty but very much not the traditional superhero costume using the recognizable symbol, a functional code name (“The Blur”, owing to his incredible speed, derived from originally often being referred to only as “the red-blue blur”), all his traditional powers except flight, most of his

That sounds like it might be a DMCA violation to start with. I am unclear on this matter though.

I love a good, distinct recurring musical motif. The new music has really lacked that and it makes me sad.

Something that jumped out at me here was the music, which seemed much more like the previous Doctors’ Murray Gold scoring than what we’ve heard of Segun Akinola’s work this past season. I found it so striking that I tried to check the credits to see if there’d been a swap, but I couldn’t make anything out in the tiny

That wouldn’t actually work. The filters make it so that each image has only the color range of that particular filter. So if I put a red filter on, for instance, colors that had a strong red value would be light, and ones that had a low red value would be dark. On the blue filter, completely different areas would be

True. I guess the point is that we can’t assume anything from previous storytelling to remain intact. Hard reset.

Ah, you are making the fundamental mistake of assuming anything from the previous continuity will by carrying over. This is a total reboot. Windblade does not have to be from a distant Cybertronian colony. She can have been there the whole time now.