
Well this is the most backwards solution to this problem you could possibly have. Tipping is only “required” because it is often legal to under-pay staff because of the expectation of tipping. What is even the point of exploiting that loophole, then formally charging the customer an extra amount to be paid to the

Verbatim, I’d hope. But my experience with captioning for television tells me it will probably be captioned as “[Speaking Spanish]” or similar, a practice that utterly infuriates me.

Doesn’t have to do much to the budgets. Just have everybody comment on the red skies and go about their business. Worked for the actual Crisis comics back in the day!

*hums “All Along The Watchtower”*

I find that the new music has a nice sound, but it’s purely atmospheric. Sets a tone, but not a mood. I personally love a score that’s full of memorable motifs, and yeah, this is utterly lacking in those. Nothing I’d ever find myself humming, or desire to listen to later outside the episode. A real shame.

I found that pretty clear also. But I suppose technically James is correct, in that it was never outright explained, out loud. Just left in big obvious pieces for viewers to put together.

Short answer? It seems “Santa” is a distortion of the original Dutch word, “Sante”. It comes from a different source language than your other examples.

That is... exactly what I said.

That was Thawn-as-Wells, not Sherloque. But that definitely seemed to be a reference to Barry having twins instead of a single daughter in one version of his life. I (and some others apparently) did momentarily think he meant he still had a “Nora”, but that seemed like a really strange thing to say even in context.

You missed the first name on the list: Jesse Chambers, AKA Jesse Quick, a version of which we’ve already encountered as Earth-2 Harrison Wells’ daughter.

Ohh, that hand. I was definitely ready for something terrible to happen there. I did not expect it to be the world’s most awkward handshake.

Followed up by “You still have one”, which I took to mean “one child”, apparently referencing the fact that Dawn was one of a pair of twins, but Nora is not.

Nothing makes me grin bigger than a musical callback like that.

I found myself wondering if it was possible that he is trying to set up the notion that “President Trump” is an entity other than himself, whom he will later blame everything on and claim “I don’t know him”. This does not seem entirely outside the realm of the man’s known behavior.

It does that so that it’s able to put the OLD label on things and such. It sounds creepy, but it’s a necessary permission for it to function.

I had a pretty similar reaction. I’ll take peoples’ word that this was meant to be some kind of racist statement, but I’m pretty much oblivious to the specific implications. It just looks like someone picked up some random litter and tossed it on a tree to me.

Yeah, but like gamey, stringy pork, apparently. Not the good stuff.

My read on her is that she just genuinely does not understand that actions have consequences, and that it’s a mental impairment rather than a moral viewpoint. Possibly extending toward a general problem with the concept of time itself. She didn’t realize just how long she’d been alone in the walls until forced to

This seems like the legal argument equivalent of holding your finger a quarter inch from your sibling’s face and loudly proclaiming that you are not, in fact, touching them.

I have the exact same problem. And no matter how many password rules you try to factor in to your formula, there’s always going to be that one site that breaks it.