
Why not? It’s what they do to the comics. *sigh*

I’ve always taken it to roughly correspond to the dawn of the Silver Age of Comics, though it does seem to be set at least a few years later than the 1956 date Wikipedia gives as the starting point. Likewise, the period depicted at the start of the film and the “archival materials” generally corresponds to the Golden

That “there may be more users than we think” line is unlikely to be true (anymore). When Yahoo revamped their service last year, they totally changed the messaging protocols and broke all the existing 3rd party app support, among other issues. As I understand it, these changes effectively broke its usefulness to

I must be the only one who felt like the line of the episode was “Do you want Fuchs? Because this is how you get Fuchs!” (in German) ((Just slightly cut off at the end by Fuchs eating spikey death log AKA The Widowmaker)). THAT was a well-earned callback!

That would be Sectaurs. One of a very small number of puppetry-based toys from the era.

My choice as well! One of my very favorites. I can’t believe noone has resurrected this as a toyline yet. Such a winning play pattern! GI Joe Sigma Six sort of halfway went for it, but didn’t commit. I could certainly see a compelling live action movie interpretation of this. Of course, it might look a little too much

I have to assume this is a practice borrowed from Americans, adhered to because Canadians are as murky about how restaurant staff are paid as Americans are. I can’t say I understand the logic of compulsively paying an extra 20% to someone who is already being paid fairly for their work.

Skimming through the comments to see if anyone else remembered this. Thanks, now I don’t have to post it myself!

*snrk* Had a- *laughs* had a hand in- *breaks down laughing, wipes tears away* Because puppets, haaa

This is exactly what I’ve been theorizing they could (and should) do with it for a while now. I love the rest of the cast and characters. Roseanne herself was a walking time bomb and plus just seemed to have lost a lot of her acting chops.

Who is “her new boyfriend”? If you mean Hector, she brought him on long before she developed “mind powers”, and otherwise used fairly standard seduction techniques to talk him into following her (after breaking his narrative loop).

I cannot, because they don’t follow the bit players past their moment of screen time. Note that I did call that out as a conjecture on my part, but there’s no reason to assume that the voice command system is able to impart long-term programming or narrative changes. If it could do that, they wouldn’t need the

Even those were just momentary redirects. They would tend to fall back to their scripted roles in time without further manipulation, I’d think.

The oceans freeze, the sun goes dark, the universe collapses into entropy... Hideaki Anno confirms a release date.

Even if I agreed with your premise (and I don’t), you’re putting aside the fact that it’s only one factor here. It’s not JUST that MS-13 (in this case) is getting referred to in such terms. It’s also that the opportunity is being taken to lump in whole categories of people as “MS-13" with little or no evidence. And

Except... well, that’s not remotely the “traditional” costume for the character. That’s pretty much spot on the most recent comics incarnation, with a little extra texture to the suit.

If nothing else, the glowing lightning bolt on Shazam has significant precedent in the comics. Unlike Black Lightning (as far as I know at least).

It may not necessarily be racially coded in any specific way, but it’s definitely intended to dehumanize the people being referred to. Honestly, reading the collection of statements given, you’d think MS-13 had a herd of giant-sized honey badgers at their disposal or something.

People did flip out. But then 17 other outrageous things happened and it was forgotten. Hard to stay up in arms when there’s a new outrage every other day (or more often).

The answer, at least according to the people you are addressing, is because there are not enough guns. The apparent solution such people want to see is an armed prison. Hence the “too many doors” comments, for instance.