
Don’t forget that Bezos owns the Washington Post, which keeps saying mean things about Trump.

I think they may have been served by a robot!

As a possible defense of said phrasing, it does help distinguish them from the birds of the same name.

Do people really argue that humans have reached some sort of evolutionary perfection? I’ve heard reasonable arguments that we’ve reached a sort of evolutionary senescence due to technological advancement circumventing the usual evolutionary processes (though they tend to ignore that this would just mean there are new

It’s stated pretty clearly in season 1 that the current iteration of the Host design is nearly indistinguishable from human, all flesh and blood and bone, except for the brain and some other bits. Presumably they can operate like any human can. Though this leads to questions about how the ones in storage, apparently

I also questioned that. But it seems like they’re building the tracks for a singular purpose (the ill-defined trek to “Glory”), so on later reflection, I decided “well, it probably only has to work once”.

This struck me too! It’s obvious in the first iteration that Jim Delos is having some issues before William even arrives, but by the end it seems like William himself is triggering the actual failure.

Red... turtle... oh, it’s Jimmy Olsen!

The ones I find the most infuriating are the ones that give a low rating due to shipping issues. Arrived late, 1 star. Went to the wrong address, 1 star. Seller was rude when I asked a question, 1 star. That sort of thing. Not even remotely about the product.

This is true, it does paint Pearl’s devotion in a new light. I mean, I still see her as having a somewhat different relationship with Rose than the apparent typical Pearl relationship, but it still stems from a position of subservience. It also puts a slightly unsettling spin on her obsessive devotion to Steven.

I’ve come to the conclusion that he puts quotes around words like that so he can later claim that he meant something completely different or was misinformed, or otherwise not have to take responsibility for the statement. Just another method to spread doubt and confusion.

Yeahhh... don’t lump in Spongebob’s theme with any of that. It’s a far simpler song with a totally different dynamic. Simple melody, basic, silly lyrics, with a call-and-response format. Very little nuance or complexity, which is not a description I’d apply to the other examples you gave or any of the Disney Afternoon

She’d been Rose for thousands of years. She’d roamed the Earth, done everything. Just the knowledge that she’d go on as Steven may have been all the excitement she needed. I’m certainly not saying it’s entirely rational, especially from a human perspective.

I don’t think it necessarily follows that she expected to be able to experience what Steven experienced. Just that she wanted the next big new thing, regardless of her previous existence.

That theory hinges on accepting that becoming Steven wasn’t itself a selfish exercise. That’s kind of the cornerstone of my entire viewpoint, so I can’t just dismiss it. In “Greg The Babysitter” we see her utter fascination with human children and how they grow into adults, her joy at the constant change. That really

It’s a literal change in perspective, eh?

Nearly everything we previously knew about Rose was told to Steven by people who idolized her. Pearl, who loved her utterly and seems to have been literally unable to tell the full truth. Garnet, who never knew the truth but found open acceptance from her. Amethyst, who barely had any more context than Steven. And

I would definitely agree, at least in the sense that Steven is definitely NOT Rose. He has genuine love for everyone. He is exactly what Rose wanted: something new that she could never be, ever changing.

It could be read that way, yes... but it’s fairly apparent she chose to give birth to Steven, knowing she would stop existing as herself, from the get go. Who, exactly, was she sacrificing for then? Not for Steven, since it wasn’t needful for him to exist. She wanted Steven to exist, even at the cost of herself. And I

Rose clearly had affection, fondness, and respect. But love? It’s hard to see that from her for any length of time. There’s a lot of very particular language used by her in her rare appearances that suggest that novelty (and the freedom to pursue it) is her only real joy.