
That is true, but the more broadly a law is written, the more broadly it can (and will) be interpreted.

This SOUNDS perfectly reasonable, until someone starts redefining “knowingly”. First it’s the literal, provable “knew about it”. Then it shifts to the speculative “might have known about it”. Then it becomes “should have known about it”. Then it’s “could have known about it”.

Trademark. Trademark works that way. Copyright doesn’t. Different thing.

You may have missed the part where he’s literally asking around trying to get more prisons open for this purpose. :/

Oh, you’re certainly not wrong, and I’m not saying the movie necessarily needs a reboot, remake, or sequel today. But just saying... it’s uniquely justified to be a CG-fest.

At this point it seems like you’re more focused on the shortcomings of the writer, about whom I know nothing, so I’ll just leave you be.

Can’t agree. CG is a tool. It only becomes a distraction depending on where and how it is used, not how much. This is true of any special visual effects.

Well hardly EVERY effect. But certainly every effect remotely involving a spaceship. Which was a fair amount of the movie.

Well I mean... if there’s one film from the 80s to be rebooted where it would be unfair to complain about the use of CG in....

Is it anywhere near Butts county?

A video rental place I used to go to as a kid in the 80s had a standee for that movie. I always thought it said “The Burps”. I thought it was just amazing and hilarious there was a movie called “The Burps”. Never actually saw it....

I will admit straight up that I do not know what kind of deal Amazon actually has with the Post Office. But I could sort of understand some kind of volume discount. Can’t be too many other single entities that ship that much stuff. Are the margins on postal rates just too low to justify such a thing? What exactly is

The previous series also had them just starting out, as I recall. Had never even significantly left the sewers. Quite a bit was made of them not being even remotely close to a match for the Shredder.

Huh, I think you have that exactly backwards. The whole “needs to be serious and grounded” approach is what got us Bayformers. That’s why they look like alien monsters instead of the sort of designs seen in the original toys, comics, and cartoons. That’s why it focuses on the human characters instead of the actual

Problem is, this was a property where the “Sharknado approach” would have been a perfect fit. Personally I’m sick of “adaptations” that appear to be embarrassed by the source material.

One thing I think this review missed is that he was acting like that, with Fitz in particular, BEFORE he had his familial realization. He’s just latched on to these guys and is excited to be there. The family connection just adds to it.

The problem is that, as awesome as small, locally owned toy stores probably would be, they don’t have the massive purchasing power that something like Toys R Us has, so there are likely to be fewer oddball/collector focused/oversized items that a big national store can support, because it won’t be profitable to make

The thing about that is the fact that a stimulant, by its very nature, does not help you calm down or de-stress (though it does help with alertness and focus). A stimulant has the very opposite effect, for most people. It’s always been my understanding (admittedly, possibly an incorrect one) that the “de-stressing”

Birdman (sans the “Harvey”) has already featured, actually. I can’t recall if he got paired with a DC hero at any point, but he was a big player in the “Future Quest” crossover series, and got a few solo issues in the “Future Quest Presents” ongoing that followed it.

Tipping is why “tipped minimum wage” (that is, a lesser minimum that assumes they will get tips) exists. Tipped minimum wage is why tipping is a moral imperative rather than a reward for exceptional service or general generosity. Tipped minimum also allows employers to pay less and keep more. It absolutely helps their