
I love the ‘98 LIS movie to death. I count it as an all time favorite, quite honestly. But just as honestly, some (not all, but some) of the special effects in it are AWFUL. Not poorly aged. Just awful. It’s not wholly their fault. They weren’t producing the FX in Hollywood where there were and are massive FX houses.

Absolutely cannot take your side on the drive thru bit. I can not count how many times my order has not only been wrong, but DRASTICALLY wrong, ordering to go, both at the drive through and from the counter. I don’t even mean extra/lack of sauce. Items prepared entirely wrong on special orders. Whole menu items,

My browser lacks an Open Image In New Tab option. I use Firefox. It’s just not there. So that’s a reason.

This is an attitude known as “blaming the victim”.

We always talk about guns, but what about the bullets needed to fire them? It is easier to buy ammo than it is to buy certain decongestants. As I understand it, all that’s required now is just to convince the person behind the counter you’re over 18. Putting aside the fact that, yes, it is possible to roll one’s own

This was my very favorite movie for a long time. Becoming a huge fan of Stargate SG1 made it difficult to watch though. If not for that, I’d probably still be a go-to fave.

Younger than 8 I would say, at least as a starting point. The Scouts and Ultras seem to be aimed younger, or at least simpler, than the Warriors and Ultimates.

Indeed, aside from Optimus, none of the 4 toys featured at the very top are even described in the text.

My only complaint here is that the animation didn’t draw a connection between dipping Hermione’s head in hot sauce and Harry being hungrier than he’d ever been. The implication that he’s about to eat Hermione amuses me greatly, and ties back to her family having already been consumed earlier.

Your Galaxy Quest reference made me laugh a bit, because heck, even the Thermians weren’t 100% faithful to the source, and they had every reason to be. Their Protector had a more “polished” look, their uniforms (which were holograms and could have looked like anything!) were made of different/higher quality materials.

Voyager is good Star Trek and it doesn’t deserve its negative rep at ALL.

This! Absolutely! One of the biggest lost opportunities in Trek history, and I really hope they give the character her due.

I honestly wonder how much of the perceived difference comes down to the lighting. We’ve essentially never seen the TOS Enterprise any way other than fully lit. This is in darkness, with running lights and lit windows (and that blue glow, yes). It makes the ship look very different.

That’s not even close to the weirdest thing. I have always been most aghast at the fact that stores are forced to take nice, hot items like rotisserie chicken, and then refrigerate it before it can be sold with EBT. Exact same item, except instead of being put in a heat lamp afterwards, it’s been put in a

Well, as I said before, I wasn’t specifically speaking of Snapchat’s redesign. I don’t use it, and don’t know what, exactly, they changed. I have assumed it, in part, involves trying to duplicate what some other more currently popular app is doing. That may be incorrect. If the big takeaway is just that they’ve found

I feel like you’re practically making my point for me here. You take a product that’s slipping, make a drastic bid to grab new people, and in the process alienate and lose your existing customers. I see it over and over. That’s a sure way to guarantee a failure, because without the power of an existing base, you may

I don’t use Snapchat, so this specific instance isn’t relevant to me, but it’s part of a trend and practice I do not understand. You have an app/software that people like, that people use. But maybe you start grubbing for some extra market share, so you look to your competitors. You copy the things you think people

The key word in xevioso’s post was “openly”. The number of “actual racists” may not have significantly increased (and may have even decreased), but certainly the extant ones have been further emboldened to more openly express those feelings, perhaps in more extreme ways than they might have previously.

Exactly. He only comes off “misogynist” because he interacted primarily with female characters for most of the film. In truth, he’s misanthropist: he hates all humans. The movie illustrates just exactly WHY this is the case in pretty brutal detail, too.

I also cry foul. The location is Happy Harbor, not Happy Haven, no matter how many times the latter got repeated in the article above. I just rechecked my copy to be sure, and it says Happy Harbor several times and Happy Haven never. As mentioned elsewhere, Happy Harbor, RI is an established DC location, and currently