
Simon Phoenix (Snipes) had taken hostages and barricaded himself in an abandoned building. Spartan (Stallone) charged in with an unauthorized assault after a thermal scan showed no trace of the hostages. During the fight, explosives were set off, bringing down the building. Afterwards, the hostages’ dead bodies were

Well I mean unless the Internet has a lending library for that sort of thing....

Well, I mean compared to the cut-for-content-and-commercials version? Yeah, there’s an uncut version. I don’t know of anything beyond the standard theatrical/home video version beyond that.

Can’t say I have. I’ve quite sadly gotten away from reading books very often. Bit of a combo of lack of attention span and lack of availability (haven’t had a library of any note at my disposal in many years). It does sound like an interesting collection though. I can see parallels in your description.

Crazy thing? For years, the only version I’d seen of Demolition Man was the cut down for TV version of it. When I finally saw the full and complete movie, it was like a completely different film! They removed so much, including the entire sequence in the car where it’s revealed that old ad jingles are now pop music.

Hey, the symbolism of her name and the name of the book are both called out in the article. Credit where it’s due.

Not sure what your problem here is. That sentence makes perfect sense to me and accurately describes what happened in the film.

I felt like it worked as a finale because it brought the Ed and Kelly arc to a climax, and even a cliffhanger of sorts. Nothing of great cosmic import, but the series opens with the last moment of their marriage, so there’s a symmetry.

Agreed. I think more often than not Picard chose to walk away from a situation rather than try to impose his morals on it, however much he wanted to. Picard’s big speeches on principles tended to be directed more at his own people.

That’s pretty well exactly what I think they’re supposed to be. In Star Trek, they’d be one of those ships that drops off the episode’s guest star and maybe you don’t even see it do so. It’s just a note in a log entry voiceover. Their senior staff consists largely of reasonably competent people that nonetheless noone

Well, it suggests he wanted to do something positive for the “holiday season”, but that’s it. It actually doesn’t say anything at all like what you said here.

I don’t think they ever at any point claim or imply it is a Christmas song in any way. Just that it’s beautiful and peaceful.

I for one have never understood why this blows people’s minds. After all, humans are an order of apes and there are all manner of “lesser” apes and monkeys running around out there.

It does have the distinction of trying to be an actual sequel, albeit a somewhat silly one, rather than a mostly unrelated reboot, which is how it came across when I originally saw it described.

I bet you eat pigs. Have you seen pigs? Especially the cute little pink ones? Bit of a family resemblance I’ve always thought.

I dunno. When’s the last time you ate mammal meat?

Looks like Tim’s costume to me. Current comics’ “Red Robin”/RR logo notwithstanding. Overall style plus the staff, like Heimoth said. Dick favors escrima sticks.

It’s also stated that the whole world is the Fatherland, I believe, so it’s possible she landed in North America like always.

I think this is some kind of corollary to “whataboutism”. Restricting an open internet somehow isn’t a problem, because some of the major content providers on it engage in possibly questionable practices? Bad faith from one sector rarely if ever justifies bad faith from another.

CG Arrow really didn’t work, it’s true. It’s one of the few times where I’ve felt their CG just failed to land outright on these shows.