
I’m afraid I don’t have the answer to your question.

As I’ve said elsewhere, I really don’t consider what was aired to be the first episode. It was half of the first episode, and I didn’t appreciate them doing it that way.

Hey, all a neck pinch takes is the proper training and discipline. It’s a skill, not a super power.

I would argue you haven’t actually seen the first episode of Discovery. You’ve seen half of it. Having seen episode 2 (which this review also covered), I can say that this was a classic “two hour series premier movie” and NOT two discreet episodes. They should have put both on TV and gone from there. The ending of

Comics Batman has the well-received “Batman: Year One”, semi-adapted in animated form as Mask of the Phantasm. It also portrays Bruce attempting to work as a Batman-like masked vigilante before actually coming up with the bat theme, and not doing so hot with it. I’m fine with it so long as we get a version of the “I

Ah! Yes, I knew I recognized the voice.

I leave captions on on my television by default. They are helpful more often than one might guess. I miss them when I watch things on other devices, to be honest, even if they can distract now and then.

For Webby, it was the BIGGEST adventure.

This argument is likely valid, but has been complicated by the fact that the person holding the office of the President has been calling for people who do protest in such a manner to be fired. By having the highest office in the government take this position, it has potentially become a 1st Amendment issue, despite

Does she? I missed her stating that as her specialty. What I did catch was her stating that she chose the assignment deliberately because she thought it was where she could do the most good. Captain Mercer seemed to think she was very highly qualified, and could have had any post she wanted. She knew exactly what she

Minor correction: The name of the company was actually CalNect.

Well, the sound mix could certainly have been MUCH better. But Conroy’s clear, bold delivery will always be at odds with Bale’s punch-drunk and breathless looking (in that scene at least) acting.

Conroy’s line delivery is solid. This is on Bale’s performance. He just sort of looks stoned, swaying unsteadily, taking way too long between one line and the next. I dunno, it works better when it’s him talking, because the voice matches the performance.

There actually is one specific real world subject that this episode almost perfectly matched: infant gender conformation surgeries. I mean, it’s an almost 1:1 issue. A small number of babies are born with “ambiguous genitalia”, which doctors have historically always pushed to have “corrected” to one sex or the other.

That’s true enough. But my thought was that even the human race as a whole wasn’t up to that “Roddenberry” standard of utopic brilliance. Orville’s doctor, for instance, was implied to be a top officer who deliberately chose the posting because she thought she’d be needed there especially.

I’ve kind of decided that Ed Mercer was a fine and dedicated officer in the mold of the esteemed James T. Kirk (original series version) until he got married, that went all to hell, and he fell apart for a while. The Ed of today is clearly no Kirk, but he has it in him somewhere.

Certainly we might have benefited greatly from having a better pre-existing understanding of how Moclan gender works. Clearly they identify as male because there is a (vestigial) female gender, but we don’t know how their single-gender reproduction works or what role the female gender ever played. It’s a problem, but

Bah, Voyager was great. It had some missteps, but I think to this day people are still condemning it 90% because of the way UPN advertised it rather than the actual show.

I definitely noticed an uptick in his dramatic performance in this episode. Honestly I’ve always felt like he had it in him.

Yes, this is the regular slot. They did advertise it as such during Sunday’s episode. Sorry you missed out. :/