
Definitely agree on the brand thing! Though we certainly won’t be seeing those. I mean, we’re already past D and M. However, I do look forward to Android Pepsi. *nods*

Well, just remember they call EVERYTHING a reboot these days. Totally new version? Reboot. New version with weak ties to the original? Reboot! The original cast comes back and reprises all the same roles? You bet it’s a reboot! *sigh*

Well, eh... Bruce Timm....

The odd thing is that it seems, at least to me, like commenting is way down ACROSS THE BOARD on Kinja since The AV Club got smooshed in. I’m not saying it’s related, but something might be going on that’s at very least unfortunately timed.

Its “cheap Canadian sci-fi”ness was what I liked most about it! No joke. I love me some prestige TV scifi, but a show that takes the tropes and just has fun with them is what I live for.

They have done multiple episodes addressing this feeling you have, from several different angles. It’s all very self-aware.

I don’t think anyone ever actually said “transgendereds” in general. I believe the previous commonly used term was always “transsexuals”, however in-apt it may have been. So... just odd.

That’s kind of my exact reaction. I don’t think I want a series of this, but I would watch the heck out of a one-off movie.

With Valerian steel bullets!

By definition, no, but an amoral person certainly may have no compunctions against doing immoral things, just as they may feel no compulsion to do moral ones. So... kind of?

I believe he’s thanking the people for having so much spirit? Or possibly the hurricane for being such a big inspiration? Both? In either case the wording seems to suggest he feels it occurred in honor of himself.

I believe the answer may be “neither”, and in fact he just figured on more eyes on Trump, like he likes.

That site says nothing about the song other than that they wrote it, and it was in Teen Titans Go. Nothing about when or why. Doesn’t exactly back you up.

b. is the most obnoxious question anyone ever asks in Trekdom. The stupid, simple answer is “it was made in the 60s”. I would argue that Kirk’s ship looks very nice and very advanced, once you acknowledge the differences in set design capabilities and technological understanding between now and then.

TNG era and beyond? Large parts of ships ARE replicated. But remember, to replicate something you need a replicator bigger than what you’re making, and you need to be able to feed in the massive energy requirements for it, plus any necessary base matter sources. It is quite probable that such a facility might be

Kinja used to be more helpful with this. I believe the URL to the comment included some of that info, so you could hover over and figure out which comment it was. Then suddenly it was just numbers, and pfft, useless.

Or Xena, Warrior Princess! She has many skills.

October. Yes, which is when they start airing the Christmas stuff in earnest (not counting the other times during the year it crops up also). Others in my house watch this channel constantly, and I was angry, maybe even offended when I realized the first time that they were kicking off their non-stop Christmas barrage

They were nullified during the eclipse. I thought it was pretty clear.

Huh. That sort of makes me think of the BSG reboot, where only Galactica kept working because it was the only one not networked all to heck, and thus vulnerable to the Cylon cyber attack. Seems like they could do something with that....