
Never in the military. Not sure why you assumed that. Medical records in general are considered confidential (possibly a differing definition of the word) via various laws (HIPAA I believe) and just in general principle.

Unless there’s a specific definition you’re working from (and there could be), I would say no, “confidential” is not the same as “classified”. Lots of things are confidential but not classified as secret. My medical records, for instance.

Just want to point out that none of these actors are “literal children”. All are legal adults. Two of them can buy booze. One of them can rent cars. I looked them up.

Happy happy happy to be far away from the production of my food. Awaiting the invention of food replicators so I don’t even have to think about it ever.

Hey, eff you. I never once saw Surge, Ecto-Cooler, or Crystal Pepsi anywhere in my region, so how the heck could I buy it (barring insane internet prices anyway)? While I didn’t really care about Crystal Pepsi, I would have bought as much as I possibly could of the other two, given the possibility. Though yes, I

You’ve clearly not played with many modern Transformers toys, especially the ones from the first 3 movies. Getting all those @&#% intricate bits and pieces lined up just right is near impossible with some of them. The end result looks a lot like that if you’re not VERY good at it. >_<

Entirely the first thing I thought of when I saw it.

Layaway is an increasingly rare service in the US. Walmart, easily the most accessible retailer in many places, does not offer it at all any more except around Christmas (if then). Few other major retailers offer it at all.

That’s why I called out image size, among others. I didn’t clearly see the moustache until I looked closer. Apart from that it looks about as much like Patty Tolan as it does Winston Zeddemore. I thought the red haired one paired with “Winston” looked mostly like Janine in Ghostbusters 2, so there’s that.

Black Mirror’s involved reviewing and manipulating externally stored memory. This is acting directly on the brain. Similar, but different.

Honestly, due to certain cues on the figures, image size, lighting, and most importantly the general expectation that these would be based on the new movie (which I liked), I read them all as female too. I see now that I was in error, but it seems like an honest mistake. The figures are simply so androgynous by nature

Given the timing of the show, I DID sort of imagine that the new KITT was built based on recovered Cybertronian tech after the 2007 Transformers movie. Much as the original KITT was (in my head) partially based on recovered Cylon tech....

I am reasonably certain that phrase was referring to exotic types of sushi, not that sushi itself or the people who enjoy it were exotic. I suppose only the original poster knows, but that was my read....

I think in at least one version of his character his name was actually rendered as M’onel. So maybe they could be going with that (though I’m sure there were captions that say otherwise). I’m not sure why they didn’t go with Lar Gand....

I would personally argue that while the first dozen-ish episodes were pretty crap, the last handful were a lot of fun. That was the point where they retooled it to be more like the original show instead of... whatever the heck brooding action procedural they were going for before. By then it was much, much too late to

That’s actually quite beautiful. Look at the eye; so expressive! Of course, it’s a mockup, but lovely all the same.

The original Game Boy hardware was sold continuously, without change for around 6 years. There was only one major hardware/form-factor revision in its lifespan (not counting the Japan-exclusive Game Boy Light, or the Color, which is really a new console itself), the Game Boy Pocket. Again, this wasn’t released until 6

I too was extremely confused by this. I rarely if ever pay attention to esports, but I use quite a lot of internet radio.

White Christmas gave me anxiety attacks for days. Though I was already primed by the thematically similar, but far less severe White Bear. (Watched it all in a binge over a couple days.)

I guess I disagree. I always felt that the actor’s delivery made it clear that Penguin really and truly regarded him that way. Backed up by the way he kept coming back to Gordon looking to connect.