
Ok, THAT I’m surprised by. Those seem a bit advanced for 1st grade. Especially “costume”.

Am I missing something? It’s been a long time since 2nd grade, but those seem like appropriate spelling words for the grade level to me. Especially early in the school year.

To be fair, they’re all set in the same continuity now. The ones using this art style anyway.

This confused me too. They referred to themselves as Smith here, but had definitely previously been going by White. I really don’t know if I missed an additional name change or if the writer screwed up.

Wow, I thought I was the only one this happened to. I’ve never been able to understand it! Sometimes the email address claimed to be used doesn’t even quite match the ACTUAL address. I’ve never had any sense it’s actually been compromised, but it keeps getting used somehow. I changed the password once and it didn’t

It is used as a term to refer to people who (are perceived to) have taken an otherwise laudable and desirable social position, and taken it to an illogical and unreasonable extreme. It gets brought out any time someone (appears to have) gone to great lengths to be very offended by something that (supposedly) is not

I think it’s a bit... malleable? I mean, the LCARS look and feel is clearly inspired at least by the random colored, abstract rectangular shapes that blinked on some bridge screens in TOS. It’s not a huge jump to retroactively reimagine those as an earlier version of the same interface. Of course, the TOS movies

Absolutely. “Supposed to happen” implies intent. Evolution is an emergent system. The fact that it works in a certain way isn’t a rule; it’s just what happens in those factors come into play.

Indeed! As I was reading the article’s description of them, all I could think was “Ah, lionfish, also known as the ‘sea-human’.” Though we do lack the venom and showy plumage.

Weird comparison. Speeding gets you a fine. Suspension of your driver’s license at worst.

This percieved difference in age is easy to explain. Leia was raised as royalty, trained in service and diplomacy from a very young age on a prosperous planet with endless advantages.

According to my best resource (TF Wiki), that the only 80s-era kids meal Transformers promotion, period. Dunno quite how it made it to your McD’s, but maybe it did have some other test markets? Hard to say this late on. But you would have been able to get a non-TFing Bumblebee from it, indeed.

Ah, well... that does change things a bit. I did assume you meant in the US, but obviously was allowing for otherwise. My knowledge of Canadian pricing is too limited to make comment on.

I recall seeing a recent ad for Transformers that featured CG of the toys transforming and combining by themselves. It was produce for a trade event and, if I remember correctly, people at the event were told it could not be used for a TV commercial due to the fact that they appeared to be actual toys transforming by

I don’t have any of the three featured in this film specifically, but I am generally familiar with them, and have many from the same lines. I can confirm that they do indeed have the articulation portrayed and are sharply on model if they are CG. The article says CG, but I’m not certain it is. It looks more like

Fascinating. The only 80s-era actual Transformers Happy Meal promotion was an area-limited (St. Louis) test run that didn’t go nationwide. I hadn’t even heard of it until I went hunting for info just now.

Where exactly do you shop? The size you’re talking about generally maxes out at around $20, and is often closer to $15, at least at stores like Wal-Mart or even Toys R Us. That’s assuming you’re talking about US dollars anyway. The two primary ones featured in this video do run around $25-30, but they are much larger

What is that? *squints* BASIC? I’m not sure.

Generic Roiland Voice #3 for me.

I sort of viewed it as his world view being essentially unchanged, but now aligned to a different ideology. His fundamental viewpoint is unchanged, but with a frightening new focus.