
Rickon totally should have done the zig zag, BUT...

Well, then you’ll like these. Most of the Combiner Wars figures have fairly simple transformations.

They are asexual robots who have had contact with gendered beings. Gender being a social construct, some of them identified as female.

Or Buzz is the “magic mushroom”. Power-up armor for the combiner.

It’s just because they rendered his hair as white in that one shot, I think.

It was definitely the first cold open I could remember seeing. Very unusual, though I guess it’s not the first after all.

The SFX for that ring and the text boxes for the person speaking of it all reminded me of the “First Lantern” version of Volthoom. Makes me wonder if they’re trying back into THAT mess. The character did appear in-universe out of nowhere during a time-travel-like experiment, so... maybe?

That is, in fact, consistent with the actual publishing timeline of those books. So no worries, you’re seeing it the same way people did in real time more or less. :p

My personal, probably wrong theory is that she intends to play the legitimately devout role, make people believe she truly is one of the faithful. She is also the queen, which puts her in a very powerful position. She then leverages this to usurp the High Sparrow, taking on the faith as her own power base, putting it

Mm. Rather like the design, but the face is weird, and the pose seems awkward. But I know better than to fly off the handle over a single early promo shot. Transformers Animated looked AWFUL in it’s first promo images, and it’s one of the best TF shows they’ve done.

Reckless theorizing time! They’ll do a Flashpoint riff. Original (blond) Eobard Thawn will be there to laugh at the irony. We’ll see some fun, dark, alternate takes on things. Then Barry will fix it, but in true Flashpoint style he’ll merge in another alternate Earth in the process, retroactively adding Supergirl into

I’ve seen infomercials for makeup that basically turns your face into a featureless flexible plastic-like surface. Looks super unnatural. Perhaps it’s something like that?

Go review prominent Klingons throughout Star Trek history. Though the most prominent Klingon of all, Worf, was played by a black man, very few actually have been.

All under the wise and guiding magical tutilage of Headmarshall Bravestarr?

Oh yes, oh yes. I noticed that and definitely had a reaction to it. I’d be willing to bet he specifically sought her out to infest. It’s been made clear that Hive is perfectly willing to take up the petty agendas of its hosts, and that seems to clearly include Ward’s creepy as heck infatuation with “Skye”.

This was nicely done, but if they were writing looking for social progress points, I’m left cold. Call me when it’s two guys, and is as natural, unselfconscious, and un-commented-on as it was here.

I am reminded of the time I stopped at a Pizza Hut buffet near its closing time. I knew nothing fresh would be coming out, and I didn’t want to pay their full price for the sad looking remnants that were available. Instead, after some amount of expressing regret about the buffet and my legitimately limited funds, I

Really, however they do it, I just hope they tell the story up front instead of doing some kind of jump forward and only explaining the changes as flashbacks little by little over the course of months. Like they love to do so often. Drives me nuts. >_<

It’s unfortunate that those will likely be taken as future gospel truth on the matter. I’ve read a bit about the awful and almost offensive level of inaccurate information in those books. If not for that, they’d be a must-have set for me.

I may be mistaken, but I believe those effects are due to hand-colorization of a black and white photo. The colors in that picture, as well as a few others, are clearly unnatural. This is most obvious in the skin tones. Note that his eyes in the photo have the same hue as his skin!