
Honestly I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the scene they dubbed those lines over has completely different body language and tone than the scene from the trailer. Sure, it’s thematically almost identical, but the energy of the scenes don’t match at all. Of course it’s going to seem flat when the visual is

It’s not QUITE that. This version of Superman is notably less powerful (he can’t fly, for instance) than his template, due to problems in the cloning process. Unfortunately, he’s COMPLETELY unable to grasp this fact, and continuously behaves as though he has his full and complete power set, boasting about it

I - knew- that line was familiar for some reason.

All I can think of now is the times my cat followed me into the bathroom and, after I sat on the toilet, hopped inside my dropped pants and got comfortable. It was weird, but I guess cats do that. This seems like a natural extension of it. o_o

While I hate to use this as any kind of notable example, there was a DS9 episode where Quark (the Ferengi bartender) had to pose as a female of his species. To do this, the doctor performed a complete gender reassignment on him, including all the working parts. Not only did the doctor treat the procedure as a barely a

Nobody wants to call out the fact that E2 Wells got Cisco’s power to trigger by jamming his HAND (with the helmet in it) into his CHEST? Shortly after Cisco explicitly explained how E1 Wells had killed him? That was brutal. Effective, but brutal.

The adults are definitely present, competent, and active. There’s simply solid reasons why things follow the young protagonists, and it all feels very natural. And also, no ridiculous love triangles in this. Just naturalistic relationships that grow and change over time. I’ve loved this series since forever, and it

LaMarche is already the voice of Egon, so I expect they’d find someone else for Venkman. They’d probably have a unique actor for the 4 leads. I went to look and see who they have voicing Garfield the cat these days and... it’s Welker. So I dunno who, heh.

This was my A-#1 choice for worst. It’s a movie I would have walked out of, if not for the fact that the ending is what finally got me angry enough to do so.

Had me hiding behind the couch and/or covering my eyes LONG after I should have been too jaded to be bothered. I’m not positive I’ve ever actually sat through that scene with my eyes open and focused on the screen, in fact. o_o

Aw, I hate to see this here. While the technology may not have been 100% accurate, it at least came across as generally plausible and grounded, and generally resembled reality.

Lawnmower Man gets an automatic pass, in my opinion, if only due to it’s execrably FAR worse sequel.

This movie made me angry. Virtually every character treated him like he was doing horrible, horrible things, even though it was all demonstrably positive and voluntary. To the point that people chose scorched earth tactics to be rid of him rather than tolerate any of the technological advances he created. Moreover,

I wondered about this too. But, presumably, there would have been some sort of mirror-equivalent incident that ALSO resulted in a bizarre casting choice for Khan. I’m personally hoping the comic specifically touches on his backstory to that effect. That’s half the fun.

Chips and dip = probably queso or something like a french onion dip. Salsa is never “dip” unless it’s being collectively included with a larger number of things to jam your starches into.

This is essentially a crossover movie. It’s comic book law that when two good-aligned characters cross over with each other, they have to fight each other first, before inevitably teaming up. After that they can be besties.

The crazy thing about Night Glider Batman is that it seems to be a direct reference to this (equally insane colored) Transformers toy, which came out several years before it. Nightglider -

Just a point of clarification: the actual effect wasn't to make the act less enjoyable, but rather it worked as a sort of aversion therapy. You're a young boy. You're caught masturbating. So they take you can cut off part of your penis without anesthetic. Of COURSE you're going to stop playing with yourself. You've