There's no better dad pick than Soldier 76 in Overwatch
There's no better dad pick than Soldier 76 in Overwatch
Yeah I don’t think the Hanzo main fits this criteria at all. That’s a different, sadder person.
People’s problem with the economics of EGS shows a complete misunderstanding of how capitalism works today and how their idea of how capitalism should work (free market ideology).
You’re really brushing off the level of snark in their announcement, and failing to mention how they addressed concerns about availability of their game in different countries with currencies not accepted by Epic’s storefront with a “you’re not entitled to our game” bitchy and not at all joking response (which sort of…
Genuine question: why do people watch this show? It perpetuates everything people complain about in relationships and makes idiots famous.
Faith in humanity? It sounds like she lied to get money.
“cuck beta leftists.” I swear to god, you could not sound more desperate to seem cool as right-wing edgelords do when they string these words together.
Sounds to me like Arch Warhammer is a dick.
How is he making it about him? He’s showing appreciation for the company that opened his mind to Japanese culture and is bummed about them being hurt. Shut the fuck up.
And I’ll get Man In The High Castle from torrents
Feels kinda hypocritical to run all these posts about how evil Amazon is on a site that runs the Inventory’s “Here’s what’s on sale today on Amazon” post every day.
Yes... I’ll support the strike... and won’t be reloading their page every 10 minutes... that’s totally what’s going to happen.
Wow. I hate it.
Arnold Schwarzenegger made plenty of shit films too, and he is clearly the model Johnson is patterning his career after. Is the contention that Johnson is forced to decline opportunities in daring arthouse cinema because he’s all locked up making Pain & Gain 2 with his best bud Michael Bay? I’m not seeing it.
That’s insane dude, are you aware of how fucked up our prison system is? Ten years? What the fuck is wrong with you
That’s certainly true, and as I mentioned none of that really applies to me. But from the outside looking in I had thought it would be something your more emotionally involved with that would be something to teach you about yourself.
IT seems very odd to me that anyone would look at a fighting game, on purpose or just because you happen to be a fan of it, as something to find out things about their own sexuality. It would seem to me something like a RPG or MMORPG or something that get’s you more emotionally involved in the characters and story…
I did find myself wondering the same thing. Not defending the points made against Rousey earlier in the article, but if anything the MMA fight part did make me think “Well.. yeah?”.
Not playing devil’s advocate for this one though, that’s just a concerning mess of a human being right there.
I’m interested to see if anyone has good counterpoints to this. I’m all for inclusiveness, but sports are designed around physical things—especially MMA—and there’s a reason why men and women are separated into different leagues for most of them. I’ve yet to hear an argument against it beyond, “they’re women, so they…
Never been a fan of Rousey. Don’t like pugilism and she is a crime against acting.Having said that, as much as hate to agree with her, she is right about the transgender fighter.