
Can they not at least put the hud elements in different areas or something?

To be fair, as far as I’ve played, they’ve only ever called it “drugs”, and this IS a Marvel universe, for all we know using this drug has a chance to turn you into a rat person, open a black hole, or turn you to ash if you OD. I doubt Spider-man is just beating the crap outta assault rifle wielding weed peddlers.

I’m a good chunk into the game, level 20 something. I’ve kinda like how much Spider-man works with the cops, it felt like a Spider-man thing to do. Most stories they’re always hassling him or even shooting at him, but I always got the impression that if he could, he would cooperate and work with them as much as he

Probably just going to cancel my prime at this point.

Probably just going to cancel my prime at this point.

Glad you didn’t/don’t work on DOOM. Stopped reading partway into the recommendations.

Now women in the real world has Peach’s hips. It’s unrealistic.

People just think this because it looks, sounds, and plays like one. It’s a janky generic mess, with the only thing going for it being the game mode.

That was JUST the Red Hood from Injustice.

Maybe its the fact that this Atari has nothing to do with the actual Atari everyone thinks of when someone says “Atari”. These dudes are Atari in name and license only.

Normally this would hurt my heart place, but 2017 has been so stacked to the brim full of amazing games, I wont notice its absence.

I can understand the dodge/run button change, but whats wrong with lock on with L2? Its a toggle command, you dont need to hold it down, so I dont get the problem. 

Another weekly trip to /gaming I see.

I think of it more as spam than beef.

When I played the demo I loved it, but the combat was boring at best.

It didn’t really trick anyone. The story was great, but lets not pretend the actual shooting and gameplay wasn’t just standard cover shooting. People just didnt want to play ANOTHER cover shooter.

The WORST fanbase.

Because Roadhog doesn’t exist?

That music video looks more fun than this game.

But 2107 will be the year that no one dies ever, we’ll all win the lottery, and every game will be perfect! It was only because its 2016 that those bad things happen, not because life itself is shit, just the year 2016.

I expect only disappointment.