
“What should I do if a break a contract I signed after fully understanding the terms of that contract”

It seems competent, so no. It isn’t a real Mustang.

My ex used to do that. Not saying that is why we split but I am saying I’m glad that is one of the things I don’t have to deal with anymore.

ps: if you do not agree then you must be a pedo.

“Remember when 325 horsepower was the power rating of the Corvette ZR-1?”

“Remember when 325 horsepower was the power rating of the Corvette ZR-1? I do.”

Imagine if Mercedes came out with an AMG C-class that had the engine of a Smart FourTwo. This is basically that.

These V cars are getting talked about because Cadillac had a special presentation just for these low level V cars, as if they were going to be the top models. It was after the blowback that they scrambled to show the other more powerful ones. 

Alanis, I really think the “blah” you talk about is entirely in the mind of the beholder. Cadillac’s cars aren’t just decent, they are really good. Jalopnik, for example, agreed with the rest of the auto media that the ATS was as good as the 3 series. And they look really good (yes, that’s subjective, of course, but

You should get greyed for trying to make “Musk-holes” happen. 

No, but the outcome was predictable. The US has *zero* leverage here; the US isn’t a growth market, and it’s cheaper for US based companies to eat any US based tariffs in order to protect sales in China. Trying to get China to change its practices based sorely on tariffs was doomed for failure.

First impression: grille

First impression: Grille.


If you have the time to take the trip I cannot recommend driving the car home enough. It may not always be the cheapest option, but it’s a great way to thoroughly get to know your new car, and you get the bonus of having an opportunity to see things you may otherwise never get to see. Spend a little time with a map

I suggest a new number. 45 is already reserved for indicating failure, being the worst, and complete incompetence.

Good question. Will have to get my hands on the Vapor X to answer that, but my initial thought is the Ignite is a much more fitness-focused product. It’s got more training metrics and features, while I think the Vapor X is probably going to lean into the wellness/health/overall smartwatch angle.