
That screen can get the heck out of here.

Uranus smelled like ass.

There is, however, one high-profile Democrat who seems willing to have Pompeo serve as America’s top diplomat: Hillary Clinton, who has reportedlybeen consulting with Pompeo for his potential stint in the State Department. Cool!

I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking this.

Kia stole the BMW guy, I guess BMW stole the KIA grille guy.

I too love roundabouts. Sadly, the one nearest to me is swarming with all sorts of people who would arrest me if I drifted through it.

Story time; Got pulled over once in a roundabout because we were driving around in circles in one late one night. No one was around but the cop told us that these weren’t for doing “loop a loops” in and to knock it off. He was probably right.

Can I trade this punishment in for a used pickup truck?

I love 950 XL. I’ll never let it go...unless it’s to buy another one off of eBay.

All the hoops you are jumping through are because you know that this is in fact prostitution. Which is fine. But just don’t lie to yourself about it.

So, prostitution, got it.

Known by most people as “Prostitution.”

When you reach levels of racism that confuse the police you are on some next level hatred.

You mean your name is not Ivan Nazarov?

See also: Transformers

Financial literacy is a big problem. Most Americans can’t correctly answer these three simple financial questions - even among college educated people.

Commenter says all people understand car loans

Good way to calculate the maximum loan you can afford:

And this trooper knows what level of driving skills this Mustang driver has HOW??? It’s quite possible that this driver can drive circles around these troopers.