
I bet the mysterious woman is Barry and Iris’ kid from the future. She’s a speedster too. Because why not? They already have a ton of them. What’s one more.

Don’t buy into the hype. The characters are good and the cinematography is great. But that’s it. IMO, the show tried something different, went overboard with it, and failed. It is purposly structurized to confuse the shit out of you to the point that it is annoying. I understand how unreliable narration/characters can

I’m still rocking a Lumia 950XL and will continue to do so until the little bastard dies on me. I love the UI and the camera. After it dies though, I’m switching over to an Android. Even if by then Microsoft decides to reboot the phone or launch a Surface Phone, I will probably still go with an Android. Being left out

Totally missed opportunity for this comparison.

Whatever happened to that character? I don’t remember. Sometimes, something really stupid happens in the show and I need to remind myself to not overthink it because of it’s Arrow and the characters are constantly inconsistent/forgetful. Maybe I turned off my brain during one of these times and they sneaked his exit

How are Stranger Things and the Orville not on this list? Lucifer is also pretty good and continues to get better.

I thought it was VERY boring. It tried too hard to be edgy and weird. The only thing I liked was the performances. They were great, especially Plaza.

I stuck with it for the first two seasons and couldn’t get past it. It has a lot of potential, but the character act too stupidly to care. I can give some leeway here and there, but this show does it way too much. I don’t get the hype for it at all.

I have to disagree on Sunset Overdrive being meh. For me, it was one of the most refreshing fun haves I’ve played in recent years.

The ending of The Witch made me want to throw my shoes through the theater screen. SO FUCKING stupid.

Built-in rechargeable are definitely not the way to go. They only last so long. At the end of the day, I would much rather have to buy another pack of rechargeable batteries than a new, still functional controller because the batteries do not keep a charge.

Built-in rechargeable are definitely not the way to go. They only last so long. At the end of the day, I would much

And they make your pee smell funky.

I felt the same way. I did not come away from the movie feeling like the author of this article. This movie is nothing close to what they did to Batgirl in The Killing Joke. Harley owned her sexuality. She was a badass. She kicked ass. The movie was campy, funny, and dark. Harley enhanced all of this in the movie.

I did not come away from the movie feeling like this at all. This movie is nothing close to what they did to Batgirl in The Killing Joke. Harley owned her sexuality. She was a badass. She kicked ass. The movie was campy, funny, and dark. Harley enhanced all of this in the movie.

I’m too late!!! It sold out.

I’m too late!!! It sold out.

Yeah, I don’t get it either. At the end, I was just like “who the fuck is that?”

It’s okay. You can’t win every argument you start in the internet. Turn this into a teachable moment and humble yourself. Before spewing out and posting senseless arguments, next time just reread your post and ask yourself “does this make sense? Will I be perceived as an idiot?” If the answer is yes and no, then you

It is truly hilarious how amusing you are. I havent given you any indication that I am a fanboy. Ive given you sound arguments as to why you are full of shit. You keep talking about how it wont sale, but it is irrelevant to the argument you set up. You cant deny the points I brought up and you sure as shit cant

You are horrible at reading and building an argument.

Right about what? The X saving you money and time? I don’t need to wait until Christmas. I know I’m right right now. How does the X not save you money and time like I said?