
I’d paint everything this color.

I’m betting there have actually been blood wars over the rights to secure the manholes. This was merely the result of a successful hit by the rival family upon the one chosen by the paterfamilias to maintain the Family Manhole this year.

Kind of a “duh” moment for the organizers. This race has been held here almost continuously for over 80 years, ALONG AN ESENTIALLY UNCHANGED track. The fact that this was even an issue boggles me.

Don’t you think it smacks a little of extortion to pay $85 because TSA broke the thing in the first place?

It is a worker slowdown. You don’t see TSA lines magically quadruple in length in a matter of a week, nationwide, because of unexpectedly more travellers.

Anyone who flies regularly knows that flights are pretty much all full all the time nowadays. The only way that a whole lot more people will suddenly be goign

And as I’ve said before, PreCheck is the entire reason this is happening? “Oh, you don’t like the long lines? Well, fuck you, give me money. Then you can skip to a sometimes not-so-long line.” Signing up for PreCheck is literally rewarding them for bad behavior.

In bumber to bumper traffic” - so which one is the bumber and which is the bumper? Front to back, or vice versa?

Hey Chris, when EVERYBODY else is the problem, you are the problem.

I hate to mess up your joke, but they’ve actually offered that for quite a few years now (or, rather, X-Plane has been available as part of a FAA certified simulator solution):

And you’re the fatheaded adult who has nothing better to do at 1 in the morning than insult kids on the Internet. You must be proud of what you have achieved in life.

He was writing a comment on Jalopnik.

Reading is really hard, sometimes.

Don’t forget Spyker

Even as a progressive person, I find this sticker to be really embarrassing.

The one the dealer puts on when you buy your new car/truck.

Bucket, meet bucket.


Get a new keyboard then critique.

This is why the Japanese Bullet trains are awesome. If your train leaves at 12:25, be in the station at 12:20 and you’re fine. Just go through a subway turnstyle and board.

Airlines get a ton of business from business and corporate travelers who pack light and do a lot of traveling. No way they mess with that.

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