
I remember watching Robocop in the theater when it came out. The Taurus was really unlike anything out at the time. Now, it looks old and dated but, compared to the K-cars and Caprices of the time, that rounded shape was _way_ out there.
Today we think of them as mediocre mid-sized sedans. But, almost 30 years ago now,

I guess the line of Classics was too easy? How late were you out there that the McLaren was by itself? The parade cars were lined up next to it.

I've gotta cheer on Massa. Solely because he'll be riding in my car for the parade lap before the 'parade'. :D

Hard to tell here but this pic from a few years ago is my Classic flat towing my Defender. Towed it close to 600 miles round trip for a long weekend of offroading. It wasn't fast but it did the job.

I've got to be out at the track at 7AM on both Saturday and Sunday or else I'd show up once the trick-or-treaters died down. I should just camp at the track.

The problem is more like what happened _after_ the video from a couple days ago. The Kebab King wrecked out an MP4-12C. Why did the McLaren owner deserve that?

It was easy. I got invited to be a parade car for F1 this year. I said "Dear, I need help getting the T-Bird ready." She wanted to help as she knows how huge an opportunity it is. Bought her some coveralls and she hopped right in. She'd helped for years pumping brake pedals and such that needed a spare person but this

In the US you could get a fairly decent 94-95 NAS V-8 for that kind of money and have more power, better transmission, a full roll cage, and more.
I miss my 94 NAS all the time.

These were one of the first cars I ever drove and I have a soft spot for them now 30 years later. We had a family friend in the Navy and when he went on deployment we 'babysat' his car. It was my job to take it out for a spin every week to keep it in good shape.

Man, I don't wanna think about having to go through 30 hours of someone's home vids to try to find those 2 minutes of gold. I don't know if you could pay enough. Maybe they don't. Make the interns do the initial rough cut before the pros take over. I'm sure they have it down to a science by now, but still.

Oh, and the pay off is a free top-tier GoPro and gear if they use it on the web, real money if in print or TV. I was going to take the video anyways, why not get free pro editing and another camera out of it?

The above video isn't exactly boring. I'd wager a good portion of people never even get out in a 'boring' kayak. That looked pretty damn amazing and relaxing.

One of my very earliest memories is of the Angels performing at Miramar, maybe El Toro?, in the F4s. Most of that memory involves me holding my hands over my ears. The later planes just didn't have the same visceral feel to them as those big bastards.

Astroturf. Astroturf everywhere. I think there's a bit of work to do on the track before F1 next month.

Last couple cars I've bought I've told the salesman "No dealer badging please". Simple and painless.

You have a couple of options when it comes to getting on the track or watching anything but sanctioned races on the track.

Idiots and Lake Powell are pretty synonymous.

I'm guessing Labyrinth Canyon. It's really hard to know as a 5' water level changes opens or closes new places to run. I've done it there and up in the slightly larger Oak/Secret Canyon back in the 80's and 90's. I haven't been back since around 2000 and now I'm wondering WTF not.