came here for this and it is the first comment I see. You made my day sir. Kawabunga!
came here for this and it is the first comment I see. You made my day sir. Kawabunga!
Good Boy!
hits X 20 times for a good amount of patting
Good boy!
nothing whatsoever!
I have a feeling that Florida resident will start buying cars in the neighboring states a lot more in the coming years.
and most likely retroactively!
They will have to generate over 500 labels? Cry me a fu***ng river!
The FCC should refused their petition and ask them even more details and even more labels. You know, just like a fed up parent deals with an annoying toddler that won’t listen?
that HAN EV really looks like a slightly redesigned 2016-2021 Honda Civic. At least from the front.
and for some reason Gifs won’t work for me but imagine the Jack Black salute from School of Rock!
and the 3 amigos salute only solidifies the fact that we indeed know our shit.
there’s no doubt that this other fella, yourself and myself really know out shit ahah!
such a thing is impossible!
pretty much!
the vehicle owner, if there’s one, might be in deep shit.
I would agree 100%!
What about Rise of the Planet of the Apes? either the original or the one from the good remake series?
yeah, Showers of Gold wasn’t that great. It left a lot of people hanging!
I can understand why you are picky. I swept in with Rising Pipes to give you some hope, you know? But now that I think of it, you might be 100% right. Unless you would accept the world Rises, which would include The Dark Knight Rises.
well I saw Rising Pipes 4: the second cumming this weekend and it was everything I was expecting it to be.
I, for one, second that statement.
all statistics states that India is the country where Instagram is used the most, followed by the USA, also that usage has been up consistently in Europe, especially in the UK, Italy and Germany....