
Very true.... I am solely responsible for the content uploaded by other users and fed to me via algorithms. I am also fully responsible for the hate comments posted everywhere, racism and all the other shit you can find on social media.

You are so smart and obviously you are fully aware of how social media works. I

that would actually be the smart thing to do!

Not to defend Honda or anyone, but many steering wheels look alike these days....

yup, that would have been great in my opinion

talk for yourself! I am far from having any kind of flaw, whatsoever!

even better, infuse your milk/cream with herbs, garlic, onions, etc. It will infuse a lot more flavor in the fat of the milk VS the water and what can be absorbed by the potates.

I would say it is worth a rewatch!

Pretty sure I saw the same video ahaha!

yes that’s true! The ending was pretty average, unfortunately.

that could work too!

can’t wait for Dune 2!

it is indeed a good score. That scene when CP goes in space ( with a tether ) for the first time!

the story could have been told very differently indeed. My guess is that the studio wanted to focus on Chris Pratt being the big name on the poster and it affected how the story was told, unfolded.

Passengers, even if not Amazing, is a pretty decent movie overall. It would have been 100x better if the story had been told from the perspective of Lawrence’s character first, but still.

I have no idea what dishwasher you have but using one with the correct detergent will save a lot of water and electricity ( compared to handwashing dishes ). It also needs a minimum of maintenance ( cleaning the drain filters, etc ) but all worth it in my opinion.

That said, if you dishwasher is 15-20 years old, it is

Let’s see if it pays off!

a Dodgeball sequel is indeed very risky. But it is hard to say no to more Patches O’Houlihan......

indeed, it is really sad!

right I forgot about those! On 2nd thought, there might be a good deal of cash to be made ahaha

besides businesses, I don’t see who would pay 20$ a month for a blue check mark on Twitter.