
I think the point is not to be a snob about it and let you enjoy things, i can appreciate a really good cup of coffee but i would also enjoy a hot coffee form the McDonalds with my friends on a cold day. And i apply this to almost everything, and mostly about food... oh! also movies are a good example, not because you

The Ram will also technically be the first hybrid half-ton pickup truck on the market

Remember, I was in a backyard of three-inch deep mud. That Jeep wasn’t going anywhere fast. And with its flat tires, even if it did get a bit of traction, it’d come to a stop in short order. That was a non-issue.

1. The ignition parts I replaced were no-brainers. (I didn’t replace the dizzy).
2. Yup. My J10 is from 1985. I ripped the emissions stuff out of it. I kinda wanted to see if I could figure it out on this one, as the vacuum diagram really didn’t look that daunting once you get a good look at it. Oh well. I’ll just yank

Not a real Saturn. The Ion was just a Cobalt in a costume.

Now playing

I got all those videos beat. I shot it with a 600mm lens from approx. 170 miles ESE. I’m so stoked about the details that are captured. The reddish color initially is the plume in sunset colors, then as it exits sunset in rises up into the sunlight @ 30 seconds I can see the vehicle itself! Would have been a 10 out of

Several years ago, there was a rash of mailboxes getting run over by some hooligan in my grandfather’s neighborhood. He decided to protect his mailbox by placing a large bolder, roughly the size of this one, next to his mailbox.

While I generally agree with you, especially in the case of things like the Takata airbag fiasco, which very well may kill you, some recalls are really not necessary.

Oh, please. Tell it to the family up the street who’s house fire went from just the living room to the entire house being ablaze because some asshole parked in front of the hydrant and the fire crew had to waste time shoving the car out of the way, but, hey, apparently I am an asshole for wanting people give a shit.

Glad to see my favorite driver “anyone but Kyle Busch” win the Championship.

This! This is why I love jalopnik. More of this type of stuff.

I’m very pro-nuclear. It boggles my mind why we don’t have it here (PR issue).

It was picked up not because of anything he was wearing, but a bit more to do with how he climbed on a moving schoolbus and went batshit.

If you want an ugly new truck, Nissan will sell you a Titan.

You don’t just slide a lever and the unit unlocks and pops right out. Very simple operation. The fog lights are a bit more challenging though, but not impossible. If you lift the car a bit with some stands, they are easier to get to and switch out (Source: Former owner of 2001 Turbo GLX, it was a really nice

To me this is a stupid thing to do (to fire people for this), but I do not wholeheartedly agree with the kneeling to the national anthem. The national anthem shows that you stand by this country through times of distress and do not give up on it. While I do not agree with a lot of what’s going on today, I would still

Nah dude; sorry my comment is a little jumbled. Totally with you. Though I enjoy the random NASCAR race, its fans - note: not all - make me wanna skip it altogether.

Go stub your toe.

And yet you responded dotard.