I thought 21P were a parody act?
I thought 21P were a parody act?
Is that how long it took them to Graduate? Is that the reason for such a horrible song choice?
My mom’s ringtone is Hey, Soul Sister by Train. A little part of me dies every time her phone rings.
I’m sorry, Maddie, this might be the end of our friendship.
Sounds adorable and incredibly cringe-worthy at the same time.
All of their songs (that I’ve heard on the radio so far) are fucking terrible. How did they get a record contract??? Does someone in the band have a music-executive parent? There is no other explanation. Another reason why 2016 was absolute shit.
There must be another band that bridges the gap between 2003 Hoobastank and 2012 Imagine Dragons...
I would threaten to fail them, but you don’t need them hanging around for another year.
Twenty One Pilots are the new Imagine Dragons.
English is also their second language, meaning we had to go over the lyrics in painstaking detail. Believe you me, those are some stupid lyrics.
How the eff are there no Twenty One Pilots songs on this list? Am I the only one perpetually annoyed by their douchecanoe white frat boy “music”? For some reason I found their songs to be the distillation of everything horrible in America in 2016.
My students chose 7 Years as their song for our end of the year concert. I have PTSD.
However, in a pinch, they’re good for self defense... that is if you don’t mind the dents. : )
I don’t remember that ‘To Catch a Predator” episode...
So a few anecdotes about a some young adults fucking is how you determine that Disney is single-handily responsible for STD outbreaks in CA and FL? GTFO with that bullshit. Idiots on the internet. What other ridiculous bullshit are you going to share? I can’t wait to laugh at that as well.
And bread is supposed to be 190 degrees internally to be DONE. Then the alarm goes off. So cool.
Using time to tell if something is cooked is like using a watch to tell directions, sure, if you carefully eliminate all variables it can work but what you really need is a compass, or in the case of cooking, a thermometer.
Dulce de leche in 15 minutes instead of three hours (http://bit.ly/XdLGCw)- 'nuff said.
A pressure cooker can lessen the time it would take to cook meats and other foods that would otherwise require slow cooking or long periods of stovetop cooking (or even oven cooking). It's also useful for canning low acidic content foods such as minced meat or beans. It can more than halve the time it takes for rice…
You can cook rice in as little as 4 minutes for basmati up to 15 minutes or so for brown rice. I love my rice cooker but if I want rice in a hurry I'll use a pressure cooker. You can also make Pilafs and risottos in short time. It can also almost half pasta cooking times.