
My tummy likes carrots.

He was in They Came Together! That was…decent!

What if I mute the television while he's talking?

Women want romance, not Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.


Only because it was a Tracy Jordan Joint.

Or you might get dumped into a nasty-ass Florida swamp.

Allll this white stuff on my shirt…is…acid…

As long as you're not ODing, or responsible for bringing the coke that made someone else OD, sure.

Well, let us know if his condition changes.

Yeah, that's Wes Anderson's best use of the in-camera film speed change to date.

I don't know! Nothing about this glaring plothole makes sense!

I'm gonna watch the fuck out of this show when I'm in England in the fall.

Yeah, I doubt the public defender would've sponsored his pro hac application after his clients fired him in favor of Vinny.

If only "He had to, ya dickweed! It's called disclosure!" had accurately called it "discovery."

A lot of the dialogue qualifying the prosecution's expert witness came from an actual trial transcript. The "Does that thing come tuborcharged?"/"Only on the floor models" exchange definitely did.

Until very recently I thought it was a vegetable.

"…whose slogan is Ballz to the Wallz, spelled with zeds."

My wife and I saw the 6th one and I found it very easy to follow, despite not having seen the first through fifth movie.

I would say that's true of anyone born after, say, 1960. Before that, you have people like my parents, who are dedicated Democrats, but grew up in decaying cities and equate a big house in the exurbs with success/doing better than their parents did financially.