
The great thing about Parnassus was that it was fucking freezing cold that day and going to see it allowed us to spend a few hours in a warm theater.

Mine is when, despite having spent the entire movie rocking his Astoria accent (while playing a character born and raised in East Germany), he suddenly says "Right on shed-jewel"

Yeah, the scene in Father Ted where Father Jack bursts from a box wearing a Nazi uniform.

The ring came off my pudding can!

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Those bedpans aren't going to empty themselves, Lobsters.

Yeah, but how do I make Red Apple cigarettes?

Did you know your name is an adverb?

Man, I couldn't look at a tourist in DC wearing an FBI hat without thinking of Dennis Farina asking him if he also has a t-shirt that says UNDERCOVER, and I lived there for 12 years.

Both starring Dennis Haysbert!

Say what you will about the tenets of Internet National Socialism, at least it's an Internet ethos.

Actually, it's great for resolving customer service issues with large companies.

Wait, what?

I think I prefer Jimmy the Cab Driver's explanation of the Sabotage video.

Which “prude versus sexually liberated woman” ep was the one where Samantha meets a woman who ends up blowing a guy under the table at a bar? Because I found that shit more unsettling that things that should've been far more unsettling (whole episodes of The Sopranos and The Wire, for example).

The difference is that Entourage wasn't sold as obtainable the way S&TC was.

Yeah, but did she have bone white business cards?

And the size queenery.


Sometimes I think it's a shame that TWoP disappeared, but then I remember that they used to make fun of David Eigenberg's speech impediment.