
Just Batman for me too.

I think it's more of a Steve Cooganing.

If you like TLA, you're probably not going to like the rest.

God, imagine starting with The Life Aquatic and working your way back from there.

What has four breasts and seventeen teeth?

If I know anything, it's "never bet on the white guy"

Not now, I won't.

I'd like to see the three-hour cut of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

"So if an artist tells you up front, "hey, the work is shit," would you go out of your way to see it anyway?"

I'm sure it'll be released once he adds a scene where Chloe Sevigny sucks his cock and another scene where he dances on Roger Ebert's grave for 10 minutes.

a) I think that what exists isn't a final cut, and may not be a complete story

Me, once, maybe twice, never over the age of 14, which is odd, considering how frequently I used to drink.

I still remember the time he stumbled over Laura Kightlinger's name. Until then I figured he went around asking the cast how they prefer to pronounce their name, like the announcer in Wayne's World, and sat in his little announcer booth with everything written phonetically, but nope, not even close.

I think he managed to get thru his set at Farm Aid 2002 without getting booed off the stage, but probably only because Toby Keith was there. Or because everyone was too high to boo. Or both.


One Christmas, Paul F. Tompkins Tweeted a still from the movie of Mark holding up his cue card that read "But since Christmas is a time for honesty" or whatever and said NOT A REAL THING. It's the greatest thing he's ever done.

I think it works just fine if you pretend it's GWB plus Clinton's inability to keep it in his pants.

The movie was released in 2003, so…no, at the time, that notion wasn't really that fakey.

God, I was so excited when I heard they were making a HHGTTG movie and Martin Freeman was playing Arthur.

Wait, Jimmi Simpson did a RR?