
It's Czechoslovakia! It's like goin' into Wisconsin!

Oh, bully for you.

Vanilla Sky saved me from thinking Penelope Cruz was a good actress.

Oh, I thought you meant you watched it once and loved it, but would never watch it again.

I was really, really disappointed with the cancellation of Life On Mars (US), mainly because I simply don't know enough about Britain in the '70s to appreciate the original, but also because the world deserved to learn about Gretchen Mol's talent before Boardwalk Empire. (I also don't know if a longer run would've

Ten years (and countless identical performances by Bill Murray) later, the best part of Lost in Translation is Anna Faris' Cameron Diaz impression.

Lorne Michaels wouldn't describe SNL as "WASP-y."

Always a delight when she shows up on Black-ish.

Any [TV show that had only been on the air for, at most, a few seasons at the time] Geek wasn't that impressive.

I once saw the TV Geek in…something else.

The first host or the second host?

What, Lick My Baby Back Behind?

Yeah, that was Josh.

Wait, why wouldn't you want to watch Duck Soup again?

I paid a lot of money to see an Artie Lang standup show in 2008, not because I like him or think he's funny, but because I figured it was my only chance to see him before he died.

I remember once seeing a sketch that aired right after Grace Under Fire was cancelled because Brett Butler relapsed and had to go to rehab, and it was a Grace Under Fire ep where Brett Butler stumbled around and slurred her words while someone else overdubbed her lines. Was that MadTV? Because that was…just mean.

I'm assuming "The H is O" lives in Ten-to-Oneland.

There was also the sketch about child stars gone bad that featured, among other performances, Michael J. Fox as Danny Bonaduce and David Spade as Michael J. Fox.

There was also a Weekend Update with Dennis Miller, Dana Carvey as Dennis Miller, and Tom Hanks as Dennis Miller, single Jingle Bells.

I'd peg the end of the swing-dancing craze at the release of Blast from the Past.