
"Don Rickles has a terrible track record as a sitcom star"

He should've won an Emmy just for his delivery of the word "Phoebs"

One Foot In The Grave, which I didn't even know existed until I watched Father Ted, and then I just assumed they made up the catchphrase, like ARE WE HAVING FUN YET?! from Party Down.

Allegedly the text about Korea had to be added to the beginning of the film because so many people thought it was about the Vietnam War.

Well then you also have to count So I Married An Axe Murderer.

Also, it's hard to get indignant about WS when there's a far more racist "white suburban teenagers go to a Chicago blues bar" scene in Adventures in Babysitting.

Linda Richman was an homage to Myers' mother-in-law, does she count when assessing Myers' homages to parents?

I think the whole "Jenny's father rapes her repeatedly as a little girl, but she must be further punished for not marrying Forrest Gump with AIDS" thing would've been less troubling if Spielberg hadn't followed it up with The Terminal (CZJ's character fucks over Tom Hanks for no reason other than she's a woman and,

"Tell me more!"

You dumb bastard! It's not a schooner, it's a sailboat!

How about a list of movies TribalistMeathead never should've paid twenty-five damn dollars per ticket to see at the Navy Pier IMAX?

*Count Floyd looks at the screen with disgust, realizes he's on camera, jumps* Whooo, scary!

Only years later did I realize that none of the cards I was collecting were ever going to have the value of some of the pre-1980s cards, since the reason some of them were so valuable is the fact that mint condition cards from that era were so rare because NO ONE took good care of cards back then.

It's a tie between the Brandon Routh/Kate Beckinsale Superman (which is the single reason that, 10 years later, I'm incredibly reluctant to pay extra to see the 3D version of a movie in the theater) and Phantom Menace (which my friends and I only went and saw because we thought it would encourage Lucas to release the

In a just world, Top Five would've been his Punch-Drunk Love, or at least his Funny People.

He was great in One Hour Photo, but my God that movie sucks.

And then when he starts singing the jingle. "The Desert Inn has heart…The Desert Inn has heart…"


Seriously. I watched EM on an airplane, while traveling for work.

I would've enjoyed Goon a lot more if I hadn't read prior to watching it that it's as good as Slap Shot.