
Cousin Oliver?

Most do, yes. Probably because it keeps the line moving faster.

My wife and I used to do that all the time, and now we really only do it when we see something at Century Centre, where there's a CVS a few floors below the theater.

I thought it was pretty audacious of them to include a sequel hook at the end (brief shot of a television showing a news report about tremors being felt in New York).

The original Airport had the opposite: Mel and his wife were on the rocks at the beginning, agreed to divorce by the end.

Is it Mad About You?

Right, like the writers of The Goldbergs give a shit about what year a particular episode or season is actually supposed to take place in.

Lucky me, I've forgotten about the Nip/Tuck ep with the woman who's fucking a dog.

Wasn't it more like "Cam and Mitch are dreading the day that gay marriage is legalized because they'll have to get married, so each one comes up with a marriage proposal because they think the other wants to get married?" Or am I completely misremembering?

Yeah, but Jay is, what, 25 or 30 years older than Cam and Mitch?

Bear is driving! How unusual!

As a straight man, I loved it when the video for Listen To Your Heart came on at the gym, particularly for the part where the lead singer flashes the camera.

Yeah, but Betty White's delivery of "What the hell was that?!" as Sue Ann Nivens on The Mary Tyler Moore Show after someone forgot to plug in the oven is better.

Chug every time Michael Douglas and Matt Damon kiss, but look really uncomfortable doing it.

Not to go all MRA, but I doubt 2 would've made this list if the genders were reversed.

Did you FUCK my MOM?!

Didn't he also play a hansom cab driver in Car 54, Where Are You?

I was 19 when that movie came out, so I'm not sure if the hypersexualized-most-definitely-heterosexual-football-player-who's-secretly-gay character was a cliche then or it's just a cliche now.

I'm picturing the single tear rolling down your cheek.

I'm not really sure appearing in Cruel Intentions 2 is significantly less shameful than her role in Catch Me If You Can.