
Now that my wife and I have gotten to the last season (and gave up towards the end of it), I can see why there's no fake countdown clock to the return of Raising Hope.

The script moved him…TO A BIGGER HOUSE!

It did what now?

Don collapsing on his balcony while Vanilla Fudge's cover of You Keep Me Hanging On plays in the background.

The real gutshot came several episodes later, when the firm resigned from Jaguar.

Depends on how hot the actors are. I never saw Home, but it was probably a lot more unsettling than Under God's Power She Flourishes.

He also appeared as Grandpa Munster in a made-for-TV The Munsters movie that also featured Edward Herrmann as Herman Munster.

Yeah, the other day I was describing to my wife the ep where he's dating the woman he thinks is perfect, but then discovers she's an anti-Semite.

I was OK with it when I thought it was the creators' way of saying "Fuck you, ABC, for cancelling the show," but then I found out it was how they'd always planned the series to end. So then I felt angry.

I never watched Pan Am (S1 famously sat on my DVR, unwatched, for close to a year), but one of the complaints I heard about the show was that everything looked shiny and new, whereas, on Mad Men, even in 1960, things were occasionally a little worse for wear (hairdos starting to fade at the end of the week, etc.).

God, Life on Mars (US).


1/3 of the Folksmen.

If it's any consolation, the scene in the mailroom (set in 2002, probably 2003) featured Fanta in a 2-liter contour bottle, and the 2-liter contour bottle wasn't introduced until 2008.

I'd just like to say that I felt really cheated when they waited to start serving breakfast at midnight until after I'd quit smoking weed.

You have to order the McMuffin at 10:29 and the hamburger at 10:35. That's why it's called the Mc10:35.

I don't really think they count as "people."

Not me, but only because I didn't realize those were (soiled) adult diapers they were throwing out.

Concentration in "I'll allow it, Counselor, but watch yourself"

11 minutes. Ha! Blaze cooks pizzas in 3 minutes.