
I think it would've been approximately 75% less funny if they didn't use Jon Hamm.

The hell?  30 Rock had Tracy Jordan, Angie, Grizz, Dot-Com, and Twofer.

He moves to Krakow and saves a bunch of Jews from dying in the concentration camps.

Yeah.  Also, an adaptation of A Confederacy of Dunces.

Every time I'm watching Pulp Fiction and Marsellus is about to go "Motherfucker." I think "Hey, I know you!"

Fuck, does this mean we have to sit thru another debate about whether it's possible to be a "cover comic"?

How dare you besmirch the star of Losin' It! and Troop Beverly Hills like that!

Other than instances where the actor died mid-run and they didn't want to replace him/her…

No, there was a third: Riker's beard.

Q. How do you confuse an Irishman?


Except we're supposed to laugh at them for making gluten-free nachos, because only stupidheads eat gluten-free nachos.  It's the equivalent of jokes about sushi from 30 years ago.

It's not a schoolboy parody.  Lynyrd Skynyrd is how Leonard Skinner pronounced his own name.

I'll always think "home of Cedar Point" rather than "serial rapist whose superiors looked the other way when presented with evidence of his crimes because COLLEGE FOOTBALL" when I hear that name.

"Feel like an idiot now?"

I haven't ruled out the possibility of bidding on the Continental Divide script autographed by John Belushi.

I made the mistake of watching the Alec Baldwin CICGC first.  The rest just paled in comparison.

The disclaimer at the beginning was kind of unnecessary.  As if the whole point of having him on there was not to attempt to rehab Richards' image.  "Oh, what hilarious schtick!  Totally forgot about that time you threatened to shove a pitchfork up some black guys' asses!"


What's Ashton's line after he snaps the granola bar in two with his prosthetic arm?  "Yeah, I gotta…get those fixed" or something?