@I. Heart. Cars.: Something tells me you just like to see flame wars.
@I. Heart. Cars.: Something tells me you just like to see flame wars.
@superhappyfuntime: I would think they would be smart enough to put a delay timer on it so it didn't send any signals for at least a day or two. Its very simple to do and it would be foolish of them not to.
@I. Heart. Cars.: Actually the Preamble to the Constitution does state that the government should "promote the general Welfare" of its people.
I'm sorry, I was too busy updating my Facebook status about how important I am to the rest of the world to notice the valuation of the Canadian dollar.
@diasdiem: I've got to ask you about the Penis Mightier.
Wait a minute, Microsoft employees are zombies and clowns???
@aural: The remark was about how slow they were in releasing it in the first place not the actual date of release.
I know most people are not but, if you are an iPad/iPhone developer this would be really nice to have. I have cords and devices all over my desk plugged into different test devices constantly. I don't really like the layout on this because I use multiple monitors but it would still be cool to have them all organized…
Thats cutting it awfully close, they almost had to rename it "Office 2012"
@branchan: always necessary when giving your pc an enema.
As an iPhone developer I have never had an issue with people not buying an app for 99 cents. I am however stunned at how much people will complain that a $1 iPhone app doesn't have all of the capabilities of $50 console game.
@yapsey: Good news, everyone! I've taught the toaster to feel love!
The entire town of Eureka!
@triangleman: Everyone is still making excuses for the crappy product. The fact remains that I don't have to deal with these issues with any of my other devices. If someone told me I had to turn any of my electronics a specific way to keep it from burning out I would dump it as well. The XBox is/was a bad product. MS…
This is really amazing but I swore off the XBox after having to return my fourth one for RROD. I mean really, what other product does anyone have to make a statement like, "The only time it got noticibly warm was when I ran it laying on it's side for a couple of hours"
@Sean Meyers: I still find the Apple screens more responsive and accurate than any of the Android products I have used. Realistically, how many people outside the development community have actually had a chance to use an Android tablet. Everyone is going on speculation at this point.
@KillerBee: How will UPS get to you when it over heats?
I think he just wanted to partition his new house so that all of windows were on one partition and all of his apple stuff was on the other side.
Does anyone else find it hypocritical that he has a web site with a store, mellencamp.com, that sells a bunch of Mellencamp paraphernalia along with copies of his videos and cds.
hmmmmm, nine is getting ready to come out and its already behind all of the other browsers in technology???? How in the world do they maintain even 60% market share?