
Is there really any point in continuing this thing (i.e, America)?

I can’t hardly drive without it on. It’s like trying to walk with only one shoe on.

I feel awkward not wearing a seatbelt. Even just moving my car on my driveway feels strange with out putting a seatbelt on.

wow. thats the most limp-wristed swing of a sword I have ever seen.. and I took a all ages kendo class for years.

I’d love to imagine that a recount meant America will be saved from the kakistocracy of Cheetolini and his cronies taking office, but not holding my breath.

The urge to tell her to STFU through my monitor is unending.

what in the ever loving fuck is wrong with this woman?

Gizmodo has always been a Science and Technology site, politics interacts with those two things and has a great deal of influence to the outcome and direction of both of these.

Dubya was reelected. Never underestimate the power of stupid people to vote against their own interests.

Yes, and we look forward to another 8 years of Republicans finding excuses to give out government welfare to the rich and to corporations, tank the economy, destroy jobs, kill more American soldiers, and to deport and demonize as many brown people as possible.

then don’t fucking click the link.

Hillary isn’t necessarily my ideal candidate, she’s also not a racist, egotistical demagogue with an inability to feel anything other than self-love and spite.

so not much different from US prices where they’re built.

With all the Trump coverage, I forgot how cool it is to have an adult president.

It’s called being brainwashed by religion.

The Candy Pumpkin master race says hi.

Tempered glass is enormously invulnerable to impacts on the surfaces. You could hit these with a hammer and it would bounce. The edges are an entirely different matter. IF the edges are not exposed, it would take an impact of a really really sizeable nature to shatter it.