
I liked Penn Jillette when he was booted off the show a couple years ago: "I can tell you the rules of checkers, I can tell you the rules of chess. I can't tell you the rules of Celebrity Apprentice."

I was at a live CBB with Scott and Tom Lennon. They were joking about who was uglier and then Tom got all serious and said something like, "C'mon, man, you're hot. I've seen your wife."

Or Law and Order's Michael Moriarty.

Clench Buttcheek!

And Gourley has a lot of affection for campy Moore-bond, so I think it'll be great.

Yes, but not the one you're thinking of!

Lynn Collins was great. I wish this would have been a springboard into something better for her.

Agent Smirk Cleftjaw.

The rumor is that Dame Francine Bacon actually wrote this show.

Has Lord Grantham ever been right about anything? He should always do the opposite of his instincts, George Costanza-style.

I guess Thomas still wants Bates' job, right? What does an underbutler do, anyway? I feel like, if this was the first season, it would have been described in detail.

The people who agree with him knew his racist remarks were indefensible, so they successfully shifted the argument to be purely about his homophobic comments.

It seems to me that when bands want to "progress" or be "experimental", that can be shorthand for "our songs don't have guitars anymore". Which is fine, I guess, but I really like guitar rock! I'm also looking at you, Bloc Party and the National!


She's had more reinventions than Madonna!


You know, for every "gladiators with suits", there are two "I'm the hell and the high water" lines that make me giggle with how clever they are. This is a pretty good show, ya'll!

I've only ready the synopsis for Threads on Wikipedia and it still gave me nightmares.

Could you give me more examples of dramas and Sci-Fi?

Ayn Rand's ghost is so turned on right now.