
Very tempting but I'll wait for a console refresh.

Very tempting but I'll wait for a console refresh.

Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts was terrific and the way it made fun of the collectathon nature of the 64 games was top notch.

“For whatever reason”

H is the 8 letter. So 88 is White Supremacist code

Because hacking is a loosely defined term based on combining different things to achieve a desired outcome

The Occulus support is the most note worthy aspect of this leak. Could it work in conjuction with the Kinnect (lol)

Yeah it’s basic physics. Force=mass*acceleration. The bullet has much less mass than a potato, the air friction is fairly similar, and the acceleration is the same. Arguably the potato is worse, the bullet might have sharp edges though.

What about all these other times the article is talking about?

Isn't it supposed to be against the rules to kick out your legs anyways? It's rarely called, but it is illegal.

Yeah that’s as bad as shooting a gun in the air in the middle of a city. What goes up must come down

It’s a common theory that humans began to farm simply to make alcohol production easier. You get a carb heavy beverage that is relatively clean thanks to boiling the water and the trace alcohol. That’s a pretty big deal to everyday survival

And remember kids, no one gives a shit it’s vapor because being surrounded by fruity clouds is annoying when youre trying to hang out in public.

Which one? I don't recall that one

A bigger barrier is a NIMBY type problem because it's visually ugly

That’s fantastic.

Not sure what your point is because I’ve never disputed that declawing is largely a matter of convenience. Nor am I posting a wall of text bemoaning how difficult it is to hold a cat still and use some clippers on a regular basis.

Yet people would insist you’re the monster for agreeing to care and provide for it for their entire life on the condition of it being declawed. People need some perspective.

So you can video call your non iOS device having friends

I’m fine with those risks. When I declaw a cat, I’m aware it is my full responsibility.

And my experience has been different. No biting or lose in mobility. Even in the cats that made it up to 13+ years (they lost some jumping mobility, but they were also ancient by cat standards so I chalk that up to old age)