
Yeah, they’re all coming out of the woodwork now. Apparently this is an internet stupids phenomena. I swear as much good as the internet has done its also allowed for swarms of idiots to overreppresent their particularly unique point of views.

Can confirm, these people exist.

That is how Richard Hammond will die and how James May almost died in the early 1960s when he was that age.

They died with their boots on.

Hi, my name is Irma!

Exactly what I was thinking. This is NOWHERE NEAR enough. I hope someone forces them to payback a lot.... like way more then these people need. Just to make an example of them

Luv a good privileged kid who just knows he deserves what he wants, am I right

I was going to post this exact same thing. If they can’t do that, stop the car. Walk around. Do some stretches. Start driving again.

The people who bought Viper ACRs....

Driver Parallel Lines is your choice for best funkadelic driving game soundtrack? Oh man I feel like you might have missed one.

What a strange reply to a comment referencing 1817.

“I want to go to paradise. Where there is happiness and joy. Where there are no problems. There I get all I want. I get to be with the 70 virgins. Here our life is full of problems.”.

That was such a surprisingly good movie. I haven’t seen it in ages but I watched it a bunch back in it’s heyday.

Not a single reference to GHOST AND THE DARKNESS sorta feels like uncited sources in a term paper.

Don’t understand why they wouldn’t put a cage on this.

The car’s only purpose is to go fast in a straight-line.

for every 911 that Singer has meticulously re-imaginedthere is another craftsman who takes a classic Porsche and goes in a completely opposite direction.

Pretty much anything but a Mustang