@hottersoup: Imagine that mancave...(drooling)
That's why noone watches 1st and ten.
If I was born in 75, shouldn't that make me old enough to watch this video?
I would be the exact opposite of this guy.
Could this be the dumbest game ever made?!?!?!
But... ...Why...?
@SirBrau: Or not...
What isn't going to be in the upcoming rdr dlc?
You have a very clicky camera.
@MrSnuffles: codger?
@Roth: I feel like I just got rick rolled.
So no Hydro Thunder 2?!
The first time I played doom was never...
@ImmaLion: What a freaky dude!!!
this easter egg doesn't work with Pale Shelter by Tears for Fears. I'm just saying.
I played romance of the three kingdoms x. What?
So the new 360 is so self aware, that it knows it's a pos! Now there's some serious inferiority issues.
They should just wrap it in towels and let it reset.