Trevor Patrick

When i first heard the idea for this episode, i figured both LSP and marceline were shunned. Marceline since she was a queen and LSP because, well, who wants to be around LSP?

i'd say no for two reasons. one, i trust PB to be able to defend her Kingdom better than breakfast princess and two the breakfast foods looked a hell of a lot tastier than the candy kingdom.

how has the breakfast kingdom not been devoured by marauders or something?

anyone remember the Sega Channel? It was basically one of, if not the first pay streaming program for video games.

benson said that the program was taking a lot of time, probably extra paperwork he had to fill out regularly for the internship. If that's the case, he's saying that Thomas is less valuable than the time he's saving by not having to do said paperwork, which is really pretty funny.

The last few lyrics make it sound like the male singer is contemplating suicide and stands as a cautionary tale against unprotected sex, or at least faking love for the sake of a fleeting sexual reward.

and I thought it was for tips on how to win the lottery. *throws laptop in fireplace*

does it feel like it's invoking lost and jericho and not in a good way? Jim, with his side switching and new faith in the dome as an entity seems like a cross between ben and locke, minus what made them interesting. heck he even looks like terry o'quinn.

yeah and the persecuted atheist schtick is grating as well. he's a smug, comfortable successful man who still believes himself persecuted despite his wealth, fame, and clout.

2 months ago bill maher complained about a "gay Mafia" that acted similar to the portrayal on the show, so at least this subject was arguably more topical, although not very accurate, unless maher's persecution beliefs are correct. I think the episode did a decent job of balancing Riley's freedom of speech with a

so that was the season/series finale, or are there more episodes coming?

Finn also said he put the memory "in the vault" and LSP was VERY forceful. That could have been an equivalent or allegory to rape.

yes, but he also destroyed several businesses he owned in the process, to say nothing of the property values of that area. Anything he built on meadowlark park likely wouldn't cater to the same high priced clientele he was selling to before robert's restaurant destroyed the area. it's unlikely that the lost

yes people cared, so much so that it cost him his senate seat. I'd argue that Allen only had a chance because racism is often placed in the context of white and black and Indian racial slurs aren't as common as black racial slurs. Had he said the N word he would have lost by more, or been forced to resign.

A big part of why this season has been iffy so far is because this showrunner hasn't understood the subtitles of racism and predatory capitalism the way McGruder did. The white villains are always shown as overtly racist and everyone seems to go along with their racism without question. Does this seem likely? If

it sounded like hayley, I like to think it was her somehow either messing with steve, or trying to fill the void in her life. That said, yes it probably would have been roger. I also expected them to bring her to dr. penguin when they mentioned a shrink.

what happened with the whole "someone will die this season" thing? Edna Krabappel doesn't count since it was caused by the passing of her voice actress. Was it that one guy no one ever saw in the episode with four stories originating from the funeral? If so that's a cop out, if not, what the heck simpsons? is that

when stuff like this happens, i assume it's a different timeline. it's clear the timelines have diverged when details about how marge and homer met are changed and there's a new future episode that isn't cannon to previous future episodes. the Simpsons where lisa almost married the british guy is a different

the serialized season makes the decision to start with the Tom episode even stranger. When I watched the Tom episode, I assumed there wouldn't be a serial plot because if there was, why would this be the episode to start with?

I hope I'm wrong, but it feels like this is the episode that confirms Leslie will be trapped in Pawnee forever. For the last season or two it has felt more and more like she no longer belongs and now when she has the opportunity to leave with a great job, BABEIESSS!!!1Z!Z! ughh.