“Whether or not that is actually worth the added cost is up to each person to decide, of course.” doesn’t cut it when you’re taking GI Bill money.
“Whether or not that is actually worth the added cost is up to each person to decide, of course.” doesn’t cut it when you’re taking GI Bill money.
Hennessey’s responses seem to pretty much duck the meat of the accusations, namely that the school isn’t worth the money.
Save money by spending more, while getting a less well equiped car that will cost more to repair, sooner?
Man, those were the days.
$150 for a controller? Why back in my day we could get a console with 2 controllers and a game for $150!
COTD! Hilarious!
As a Camaro fan, I would buy this right now if i had a job....
Currently $5,200, how about this 1948 Studebaker Convertible?
Whut? Dis mah daily driver.
God it’s such a pretty car.
Now I know you’re trolling. Comparing a VW resale value to a WRX? WRX have one of the higest resale values there is. I can find used VWs R32s all day for around $10k but good luck finding any year WRX with under 150k miles for the same price. Don’t even get me started on comparing STi resale value to any VW.
8000miles is well past the break in period. Also, its laughable that someone with a VW calls a WRX junk.
Cool post by a guy with a VW handle. :)