
@TheClap: The bad news is, it's with a donkey or an elephant..... if I HAD to choose an animal, it'd be a bear.

I look forward to this every year. This, and the Dental Spa. Don't judge, I'm easily pleased.

@blyan-reloaded: Hold me. I don't wanna be the government's lubeless one night stand.

@blyan-reloaded: Well don't I just feel like a cheap whore now...

@blyan-reloaded: I demand both parties promise to provide lube!

@☆Giroro G66☆: I'm voting for whoever he's not being paid to support... actually, I'm voting for whoever is LGBT friendly... I've got a feeling the state may get a little more hostile towards us.

@Ding-Dang: I'm with you on Sony people... my thought is, why would you by a camera from a tv/blu-ray/video game/watch/calculator/camera/phone/walkman company, when you could buy one from someone that makes cameras exclusively? One company is marginally good at a lot of things, the other excels at one thing.

@freedomweasel: Exactly. It takes great pictures and is a fraction of the price. The 2nd reason I got a Pentax is I liked the quality of my original Pentax and thought I'd stay loyal to the brand. No use changing cuz I had no complaints.

@reuthermonkey: I believe Walgreens also sells a cream for 'roids'. Hemorrhoids that is.

I'm a Pentax owner for the exact reason it said... I already had lenses for my old 35mm Pentax. So shoot me, I'm poor.

I think the blue is pretty... reminds me of a 'cerulean' Crayola crayon.

@gaius83: None of what you mentioned is an issue, nor should it be.

@Facebook: I haven't but should. I have your typical gay-Mormon story. Grew up hating myself, came out, went to reparative therapy, served an LDS mission in Japan, came back for more therapy, came out again (my mother thought my mission fixed me) and haven't had contact with my family since. I'm happier than ever

@gaius83: Everyone is different and they probably can't help sounding like a 'creepy queen' (before your edit). Just the fact that you use the term 'creepy queen' shows why these videos are needed... why the h8? They are who they are and don't need pointers from you.

@taniquetil: It's hard to talk about for a lot of us. I endured 5 years of reparative therapy and can still not tell my partner of 5 years about it. It's tough to talk about and was a dark period for a lot of us.

@Facebook: My husband and I were a mess. His video hit close to home... a lot of them have.

It's exciting to see that kids today can see and know that someone supports them, even if no one does at home. When I came out, I had no support. I didn't even know another gay person. Just knowing there was someone out there that knew my life would get better would have been enough to get through some of the darker

Now if we could just get some of the Utah theocracy to realize we're the same as everyone else... things are a mess here...