
He shouldn't text and drive.

I'd just like to say that overall this post has made me incredibly nostalgic. Thank you Jalop.

Super Off Road

I'll take 2 of the back left please.

@Autojunkie: Honestly I would say that for a car to be a worst first gen car, there should be no second generation.

I would have to say that the worst first gen car probably also never had a second generation.

One of the worst cars ever made.

So, do electric cars only run with really, horrible looking wheels on them? I'm going to just assume so because manufacturers refuse to put normal wheels on any electric cars.

@stoke 2.0: I'm wondering how close the cyclist really is, I'm guessing it is a pretty significant distance, but the picture doesn't read that way.

Even crazier, how about this airplane crossing.

@Desu-San-Desu: Yea I wasn't using the inspired comment in relation to your post, I was talking to talking to Tristian with that reply.

@gman1023: I don't get it, what wasn't meh about the e30's styling. I love its styling for what it is, but I love the car itself more. Its styling though, pretty meh. Maybe I'm just missing it. And i'm not talking about the e30 M3, that is an entirely different story, I'm talk bare bones, bottom of the line e30.

@comedian: Thanks, for some reason I couldn't figure out how to link it that way. :]

@gman1023: I don't mean to be rude at all, but honestly if you haven't driven a new 3 series you really shouldn't call them "meh".

@Tristan Hipps: Now don't freak out on me, I LOVE the e30. That being said, what is so "inspiring" about this. I love the e30 for what it is, incredibly well engineered, well balanced, and to the point and simple. The styling on the other hand, while I appreciate its simplicity, and do really like it, I'd hardly

@Desu-San-Desu: If you get the chance, do, luckily my mom was in the market for a new car (my parents have the ability to buy far nicer cars then myself), and I'm the unofficial car advisory for my entire family so I got to drive a lot of cars while we were looking. She ended up with the 3 series, and it really is