
@kake81: Before he was a rally car/stunt driver, Ken block was actually a civil engineer. Weird I know.

That man was clearly not drunk. A drunk person would have definitely hit one of the many cars at a stop or near stop blocking the ramp. This man is just strongly against tolls. What the video does not show you is the graceful and well executed landing on the other side, saving this man from a rather overpriced toll.

@Nick: Is there an actual connection to the two that I'm missing or is it as random as it seems.

@cobrajoe: A lot of cool cars have died (from production, concept, etc) because of companies not wanting to infringe flagship models.

@cobrajoe: That's just so not... Porsche though. :p I'd like to see it, but the rear engine layout is as much of a brand identity as the Porsche badge itself.

@cobrajoe: Then it wouldn't be a Panamera. I'm sure TopCar (awful company name btw) had done a Cayman too.

@Critique_: It might just be me, but I'd say it looks more like a fat Porsche. :)

@heyzeus: There is a link to the statesman at the bottom is there not? I'm confused. I appreciate Jalop posting relevant stories, wherever they come from, it turns out I dont check the Austin American Statesman every day.

@porsche9146: So that is the top 3. I'm not saying there aren't some people that actually drive, of course there are. It is just that I'm positive that a large number would destroy an R8 thinking they can drive it IRL like they do in Forza.

250GTO. Because who daily drives a 250GTO?

@Ryanrule: That is the point though. It gives commentators a chance to get "published" on the site. If you don't want to spoil it, throw in your answer to the QOTD and don't read through all of the comments, viola, surprise article the next day. Just relax a bit man, QOTD is suppose to entertain us, and it does me.

@P161911 probably shoudn't have: Agreed. To be honest this seems like an awful idea, a bunch of Forza heads that think they actually know how to drive (hint, most probably don't). You heard it here first, someone is going to crash an R8 at Infineion very soon.

@Elhigh: Just out of curiosity, how do you go about weighing their practices/ethics, I don't even think I'd know where to start, so much of what companies do is marketing and PR so how do you sift through all their bullwhatever.

There is some guy photobombing all of those pictures. Ruined!

@Elhigh: I think your logic is flawed. You are being far too easy on companies that are responding to our demand. We buy the products, therefore drive the market, sure. That doesn't mean we are inherently responsible for the actions and ethics of the companies we are buying from. That is a rediculious statement.

@patelc0916: Mud, expensive to clean up. Wait, no it isn't. Someone cost that small business owner 20 minutes of his time, better yet, I'm willing to bet one of his paid employees may clean that up.

@BDK6017: There isn't much Iron there...

"And at the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is F1 returning to the United States."

The audio road rage doesn't come close to making this not head numbingly boring. Less like this.

Integra ITRs/GSRs. The suspension is phenomenal, brakes are good, great with good track pads. Brakes and tires are both cheap, enough power to have fun, handle well enough to have some fun with some higher priced cars. Oh, and they are super reliable. (and I'm a bit biased).