
So many cheater cars in lemons it isn't even funny. If that car wins, its a big fail for Lemons.

Awesome, but the supports for the wing are really throwing me off.

"can you drive straight?"

Then at every area where there was a stringer you have funny looking lines running down your deck, and then you have to powerwash anyways. Might as well save the step of removing and re screwing the boards and just powerwash it right off the bat.

Truly riveting television.



Sort of ironic, at work today I'm reviewing shops for intumescent paint (fire retardent paint). Ferrari and other supercar manufacturers should really look into it.

@Silvrt01: None of these are impressive, but fun for a short while either way.

@ADiSH: not sure if you've noticed but for the last couple of years everything uses a lot of memory. good thing memory cost like... nothing.

A lot of autocrossers already do this. A local competitor built a new car this year and before adding ballast their miata was around 1650 lbs. Its also a boosted motor. The ballast was added because the car was too light and they couldn't get enough traction.

Too bad it was mostly music being played with a few of the "noises" made by him mashed up with it. Hardly a beatbox.