
Jesus. If that’s Innocent, I don’t want to see Guilty.

Also fantastic with just a simple salt & pepper rub and some quality time with some mesquite smoke. Short ribs are the best

I like my root beer the same way I like my toothbrush—prickly and in my mouth.

Root beer braise or go home. Sweet, sweet meat candy.

Yeah, like he would be classy enough to use the word “vajayjay”.

I’ll have to consult my attorney and get back to you on that.

This is the most true statement I’ve seen on the internet in months.

Illegal sure. But is it a bad idea?

I’m so glad you came to make this important point.

That’s gross and bad. But you know what isn’t gross and bad? Short ribs. Braise them with a dry red wine, some carrots and onions—delicious. What a treat this holiday season.

I believe it’s actually explicitly illegal for an employer to ask that.

(Fine print: medical plan actually only covers “boner pills.”

All she needed was that first sentence, she spent way too much time explaining herself afterwards. Just like the rest of them, tbh.

They have the FOX News problem of knowing their demographic target demands only extremely attractive female reporters and male hosts literally incapable of respecting women in any way

He then explained that their medical plan covers “boob and vajayjay cancer.”

No one plans to get “knocked up.” You’re either making a conscious attempt to get pregnant, or someone knocked you up.

I ref basketball for MHSA and this is correct. However, the rule allowing for fewer than five players is the same as for college, I think, that the requirement is you have five at tip-off and after that you can have fewer on the court. A few years back a different high school won with 5 players, but they only had four

So far as I can tell, the Montana High School Association rules don’t specify a minimum number of players required or any standards for an automatic forfeit. They have a separate doc on the mercy rule, but that just forces a running clock in the second half—like what happened here—and is only triggered by a 40-point