Hope Black Panther wins best picture.
Hope Black Panther wins best picture.
Kid did nothing wrong .
Canceling a trip that never happened endangers no one.
Miky Spock used to help Spocko with the Pon Farr didn’t she ?
It remains to be seen if bringing in Spock and the Enterprise {2 things they swore not to use ] will make the story lines any better or improve any of this...
That is a stupid comment ,but Dems going on a vacation to PR with lobbyists,during the shutdown is really really STUPID !
I would say the truth would be a lot more in the middle ,this account has more of a tinge of truth than then shumies or trumpie versions ….
So she lies .
Plenty there you just refuse to see.
Trump trumped the opposition .
Trump wins the debate American Lives trump paychecks .The 2 stiffs were stiff.
There plenty but go google yourself ,
Walls work ask Israel .
She is a DINGBAT!
I know who does DINGBAT think she is ?
She really does knows nothing about anything!
The problem is not the interviewer its the interviewee she knows NOTHING!
Asswipe put his hands on her ,he deserves the beat down