
Seripusly man, don’t listen to Republican horror stories about Canada and Europe’s healthcare. They are total lies.

So that was interesting , but what about the First order Troopers looking like Ducks ?

Psst boy your a downer aren’t you .?

Wouldn’t it be cool if it is really Dutch wearing a anti-Predator suit of armor ?

That is better than the last trailer ,but it still looks like a direct to dvd sequel

Stated perfectly

Now playing

We need to go and explore ,its part of us , its who we are who knows what we will find .

So why go to Mars or the other planets why look up at all right?

We need to go back to the moon ,we never should have quit.

No one owns admission ?

Surprised ....NOT !!


I still want part 3 Iron Kickass vs legless Motherfuc-er !

He also promised Iron Fist fans will be “very happy with Season 2 coming this year,”

Still dancing about life on MARS ?

What about these guys ? In the original they we strictly machines but in the reboot they had organics mixed in ,so they are cyborgs right?

You have the nerve to give a c to a female centric film ?You must be a hater!

Bring back DS-9 and dump Disco ,Disco Sucks .

I thought the first one was great and Batman was awesome .